Azi avem budinca de paste cu branza, intr-o varianta dietetica, dar aproape la fel de gustoasa ca cea clasica, insa fara a ne afecta silueta, ladies :) Am descoperit niste paste konjac geniale, cu doar 28 de calorii per 100g, fara gluten, low carb, pentru a ne satisface pofta de paste :) Unde mai pui ca acest desert se prepara extrem de simplu, e imposibil sa nu-ti iasa :) What’s not to love? Poate va place si varianta sarata, aveti reteta aici.
Ingrediente (6-8 portii):
- 200g paste din konjac (gasiti aici)
- 300g branza grasa de vaci
- 200g crema de branza (sau mascarpone)
- 4 lg indulcitor Green Sugar
- 4 oua
- 1 lgt esenta de vanilie
- 1/2 lgt esenta de portocale (sau 2 pic ulei esential)
- dulceata fara zahar (pentru servit)
Se prepara super simplu: batem ouale cu indulcitorul, adaugam crema de branza, branza de vaci, esentele si amestecam bine. Adaugam pastele clatite si scurse si turnam compozitia intr-o tava, am folosit un vas rotund de yenna (20cm diametru).
Coacem budinca aprox 50 de min la 180C, pana se rumeneste frumos la suprafata si e putin ferma la atingere. Se va desumfla cand o scoatem din cuptor.
Doar dupa ce s-a racit o taiem felii, din aceste cantitati ies 6-8 portii. Dementiala cu indulcitor pudra deasupra si cu dulceata fara zahar, pofta mareee! :)
Today we have sweet mac & cheese in super light version, but almost as tasty as the traditional one, without affecting the number on the scale, ladies :) I just discovered the best diet konjac pasta, with only 28 cal per 100 g, low-carb and gluten-free, perfect to satisfy our pasta craving :) And this dessert is really fail proof, so what’s not to love? :)
Ingredients (6-8 servings):
- 200 g konjac noodles
- 300 g cottage cheese*
- 200 g cream cheese (or mascarpone)
- 4 tbsp stevia erythritol
- 4 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp orange extract (or 2 drops essential oil)
- sugar-free jam (for serving)
Super simple: whisk the eggs with the sweetener, then add the cream cheese, cottage cheese, extracts and mix everything well. Add the rinsed and drained noodles and pour the mixture in a round 20cm diameter dish.
Bake the pudding for 50 min at 180 C, until nicely golden and slightly firm when touching the surface. Slice only after it’s completely chilled, these quantities make 6-8 servings. Enjoy! :)