Desert sau mic dejun? Va las pe voi sa alegeti, insa oricare ar fi raspunsul, aceste clatite pufoase cu cirese sunt suuuuper bune, ciresele moi si dulci dinauntru sunt asa, o surpriza placuta cand musti din clatita, iar siropul de artar e obligatoriu la clatite, if you ask me :))

Ingrediente (15 buc):

  • 200ml lapte
  • 3 oua
  • 30g unt
  • 2 lg indulcitor Green Sugar*
  • 200g faina
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • 150g cirese fara samburi
  • ulei pt tigaie
  • fructe si sirop de artar pentru servit

Punem intr-un bol faina, praful de copt si indulcitorul, amestecam usor apoi adaugam restul ingredientelor: ouale, lapte, untul topit, vanilia, omogenizam bine bine cu telul pana compozitia nu mai are cocoloase.

Scoatem samburii cireselor, le taiem in 4 si le tamponam usor cu un servetele, sa inlaturam excesul de zeama. Incorporam ciresele in aluat, amestecand usor.

In tigaia incinsa si unsa cu ulei punem cu o lingura de inghetata cate 1 cupa din aluat. Mie imi incap 3 clatite per tigaie. Le gatim pana apar bule pe suprafata clatitelor, apoi le intoarcem cu o spatula si le gatim si pe partea cealalta cam 1 minut. Le servim calde cu sirop de artar si fructe. Pofta mare! :)

*Baby-friendly: omiteti indulcitorul. Reteta de baza de clatite pufoase (pancakes) preluata de aici, de la Good Food.


Breakfast or dessert? I leave that up to you, but, whatever you choose, these cherry pancakes are just sooooo good, the sweet tender cherries inside are a pleasant surprise when you take a bite, and the maple syrup is an absolute must, if you ask me :)))

Ingredients (15 pcs):

  • 200 ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tbsp Green Sugar sweetener
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 150g pitted cherries
  • oil for the pan
  • fruit and maple syrup for serving

Place the flour, baking powder and sweetener in a bowl, mix a little, then add the rest of the ingredients: eggs, milk melted butter vanilla and whisk everything until there are no more lump.

Pit the cherries, cut them in 4 and gently ap them with a paper towel, to remove the excess liquid. Fold them gently into the dough.

Spoon 1 ice cream scoop of dough into the hot pan (previously greased with a little oil). My pan fits 3 pancakes. Cook until bubbly on the surface, then flip and cook 1 more min. Serve warm, with maple syrup and fruit. Enjoy!

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