Reteta aceasta de clatite sufleu a fost in ultima vreme virala pe retelele de socializare, asa ca am vrut sa o incerc si eu ceva similar, sa vad ce iese :)) le-am facut fara zahar si le-am mancat cu smantana si gem doar din fructe, yum, yum, yum! :) Dureaza putin mai multe ca niste pancakes, insa sunt pufoase si aerate, merita incercate intr-o dimineata de weekend in tihna :)

Ingrediente (10-12 buc):

Separam ouale. Batem cu telul galbenusurile, laptele, vanilia si faina. Separat batem albusurile spuma cu indulcitorul rasnit fin. Incorporam usor amestecul de galbenus in cel de albus, cu o spatula, folosind miscari circulare, de jos in sus.

Incingem o tigaie la foc mic/mediu, o ungem cu putin ulei de cocos. Turnam din compozitie folosind un pos sau o punga alimentara si formam 3-4 clatite. Adaugam o lingurita de apa in tigaie, punem capacul si gatim totul la foc miiiic timp de 5 minute.

Apoi le intoarcem pe partea cealalta, mai adaugam o lingurita de apa in tigaie si gatim tot cu capacul pus inca 5 minute. Le servim cu ce dorim, frisca, smantana, sirop de artar, fructe, dulceata, the sky is the limit! :) Pofta mare!

Retet video

*Reteta adaptata de aici.


This souffle pancake recipe has been viral over Social Media, so I tried a version myself to see what turns out :)) I made mine sugar free and I ate them with sour cream and fruit jam, yum, yum, yum! The recipe does take longer, but they are so fluffy and light they are worth the effort on a long weekend morning :)

Ingredients (10-12 pcs):

  • 2 eggs + 1 egg white
  • 15 ml milk (almond, 1 tbsp)
  • 25 g flour (3 lg)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract / 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • 25 g powdered sweetener * (3 tbsp)
  • 1 tsp coconut oil (for greasing the pan)
  • sugar free jam and sour cream

Divide the eggs. Whisk the egg yolks, milk, vanilla and flour. Separately beat the egg whites and sweetener until they form stiff peaks.

Gently fold in the egg yolk mix into the egg white meringue, using a spatula and circular down-up movements. Heat a pan over low/medium heat, grease with a little coconut oil.

Pipe the mixture with a piping bag and form 3-4 pancakes. Put a teaspoon of water, add the lid on the pan and cook over low heat for about 5 min. Flip, add another teaspoon of water and cook 5 more min on the other side. Enjoy!

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