Pornind de la reteta mea preferata de humus cu ardei copti, am facut azi o varianta romaneasca, adica folosind fasole :) Aceasta crema de fasole si ardei copti e un „must-have” in post, foarte hranitoare, satioasa si super super gustoasa. Cu aceasta reteta particip la provocarea Arovit #OZiVegetariana, detalii aici :) Pentru ca e bine sa includem cat mai multe legume in alimentatia noastra, right? :)
- 480g fasole boabe Arovit (1 conserva mare)
- 3 ardei copti Arovit (130g)
- 2 lg rosii pasate Arovit (30ml)
- 2 lgt dulceata de ardei iuti Arovit
- 1 lg ulei de masline (15ml)
- 1 lgt tahini (pasta de susan)
- 3 catei de usturoi
- sare, piper
- ceapa rosie, ulei pt ceapa calita
- paine proaspata pentru servit
Scurgem bine de tot fasolea si ardeii copti, apoi punem toate ingredientele in blender si mixam binnnne de tot, pana obtinem o crema fina :) Se poate face si in robotul de bucatarie aceasta crema.
O servim cu chipsuri, nachos, crutoane sau pe paine proaspata, alaturi de ceapa rosie calita, neaparat :) Se pastreaza in frigider, iar la rece se va mai intari aceasta crema de fasole si ardei copti. E super super buna, enjoy!
Starting from my roasted pepper humus recipe I made today the Romanian version with white beans :) This dip is super yummy, so nutritious and delicious, it’s a must have when you are on a Religious vegan fasting : )
- 480g white beans, canned
- 3 roasted red peppers (130g)
- 2 tbsp tomato juice (30ml)
- 2 tsp hot pepper preserve
- 1 tbsp olive oil (15ml)
- 1 tsp tahini (sesame paste)
- 3 garlic cloves
- salt, pepper
- red onion, oil for the sautéed onion topping
- fresh bread for serving
Drain well the white beans and roasted peppers, then put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until super smooth and creamy :) You could also make this in the food processor.
Serve with nachos, chips, croutons or fresh bread, with a topping of sautéed red onions, that’s mandatory! :)) Store in the fridge, it will thicken a little when kept in the fridge. Super yummy, enjoy!