Faina de migdale e un produs foarte scump, dar cand o gasesc la Lidl cu doar 9 lei la 200g imi fac stoc :))) Azi am facut aceste fursecuri fragede cu migdale, atat de moi si gumoase in centru, extrem de aromate si adorate de fanii martipan :) Eu am rasnit eritritol, insa puteti folosi zahar pudra, bineinteles ;)
Ingrediente (20 de buc):
- 200g faina de migdale
- 200g indulcitor pudra +50g pt topping
- 2 albusuri de ou
- 1 lgt zeama de lamaie
- 1 lgt coaja rasa de portocala
- 1/2 lgt extract extract de vanilie
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
Batem albusurile spuma cu 1 praf de sare si zeama de lamaie. In alt bol separat amestecam faina de migdale, coaja de portocala, indulcitorul pudra si praful de copt, omogenizam bine totul, sa nu avem cocoloase.
In amestecul de bezea incorporam cu o spatula mixul uscat. Din aluatul obtinut formam 20 de bilute pe care le dam prin indulcitorul pudra, le aplatizam usor cu palmele si le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. si le lasam la temperatura camerei 30 de min.
Le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 160 de grade timp de 20-25 min, pana se rumenesc foarte putin pe margini, lasandu-le apoi sa se raceasca in tava. Nu va speriati ca sunt inca putin moi in centru, se vor intari dupa ce se racesc. Pofta mare! :)
*Reteta adaptata de aici
Almond meal is so expensive, so when I find it at a good price at Lidl, I stack up :)) Today I made these amazing chewy almond cookies, so tender an delicious, a super hit for marzipan fans :) I used ground erythritol, but you can use powdered sugar, of course :)
Ingredients (20 pcs):
- 200 g almond meal
- 200 g powdered sweetener +50 g for the topping
- 2 egg whites
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp grated orange zest
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and lemon juice until they form stiff peaks. In a separate bowl combine the sweetener, almond meal, baking powder and orange zest, mixing everything well, to remove the lumps.
Fold in the dry mixture in the egg whites. Form 20 balls, roll them in the powdered sweetener and gently flatten them. Place them on a tray and let them sit at room temperature for 30 min.
Bake them in the preheated oven at 160 C for about 20-25 min, until just a little golden on the edges, then let them cool in the tray. Don’t be scared if they are a little soft, they will become harder once they chill. Enjoy!
OMG fursecurile sint super delicioase!!! Ti se topesc in gura, sint atit de fragede, ai tot minca… Reteta merita sute de aprecieri!!
Ma bucur mult ca iti plac, Lumi! :) Multumesc ca mi-ai scris, pupici!