Fursecuri fragede cu unt. Ilinca m-a rugat sa facem niste fursecuri, pentru ca ii place mult se decupeze cu diverse forme, asa ca am pregatit cel mai simplu aluat fraged pentru fursecuri, fara zahar dar foarte aromate si fragede :) E una din cele mai placute activitati de facut in casa cu copiii :)

Ingrediente (1 tava mare):

Batem cu mixerul untul la temperatura camerei si indulcitorul pudra, apoi adaugam oul, faina, Green Sugar caramel, vanilia si coaja de lamaie. Mixam pana la omogenizare, se face foarte repede aluatul, este moale si usor de modelat :)

Il intindem cu sucitorul pe o planseta si decupam formele dorite. Transferam fursecurile pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem 15 min la 180C, pana se rumenesc foarte foarte putin la baza. Sunt super bune, pofta mare la fursecuri fragede cu unt! :)


Shortbread cookies. Ilinca asked me to bake some cookies, because she really likes cutting out them out of th dough, so I prepared the most simple shortbread cookies, sugar free, but so tender and full of flavor :) It’s one of the most pleasant stay at home activity with the kids :)

Ingredients (1 large tray):

  • 230 g flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 80g stevia erythritol
  • 30 drops caramel stevia
  • 1 eggs
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Using a stand mixer, beat the butter (at room temperature) and sweetener until smooth, then add the egg, flour, stevia drops, vanilla and grated lemon zest. Mix until smooth, the dough is very easy and quick to make, and it’s to easy to mold, like play dough :)

Roll it with a rolling pin and cut out the desired cookies Transfer them to a tray lined with baking paper and bake 15 min at 180 C, until just very little golden on the edges. They are super good, enjoy! :)

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