Ce poate fi mai bun intr-o dimineata de sambata la micul dejun servit in familie ca niste gaufre proaspat facute, calde? Azi am incercat varianta sarata, cu branza si marar si le-am servit cu masline si legume proaspete. Sunt consistente, foarte satioase si de gustoase nu mai zic, petru ca au disparut rapid de pe masa :)

Ingrediente (10 buc):

  • 4 oua
  • 50g unt
  • 200g faina alba
  • 125ml lapte
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1/2 lgt sare*
  • 1/2 legatura de marar
  • 70g branza rasa (cas/telemea/mozarella/emmentaler etc)

Mai intai incalzim aparatul de gaufre cu 5 minute inainte. Introducem in blender: ouale, untul la temperatura camerei, faina, praful de copt, sarea si mixam bine. Separat dam pe razatoare casul si tocam marunt mararul. Eu am pus mai putina verdeata (de aceea nici nu e foarte pronuntata culoarea), dar puteti adauga cata doriti.

Incorporam in compozitie branza rasa, mararul tocat si punem cate 2 linguri din aluat in aparatul de gaufre si il lasam sa isi faca treaba pana se rumenesc putin gaufrele. La aparatul meu dureaza cam 2-3 min. Pofta mare!

Galerie foto

*Baby-friendly: omiteti sarea inainte de varsta de 1 an si folositi o branza putin sarata si ne-afumata. Piticoata mea le adora, asa ca eu zic ca merita achizitionat un aparat de gaufre, mai ales daca aveti copii :)


What can be better on a Saturday morning than hot homemade waffles for breakfast with your family? Today I tried the savory version, with cheese and dill, and served them with fresh veggies and olives. Super tasty and filling, they just vanished from the table :)

Ingredients (10 pcs):

  • 4 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • 200 g all purpose flour
  • 125 ml milk
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt*
  • 1/2 bunch of dill
  • 70 g grated cheese (mozzarella/emmentaler etc)

First preheat the waffle maker 5 min before. Place the ingredients in the blender: eggs, butter at room temperature, flour, baking powder, salt and blend well. Separately grate the cheese and chop the dill. I added less dill (that’s why they are not so green), but you can as much as you want.

Incorporate the cheese and dill into the blended mixture, then spoon about 2 tablespoons of the dough into the waffle maker and let it do it’s thing :) Mine takes about 2-3 min until the waffles are done.  Repeat until you finish the dough. Enjoy!

*Baby-friendly: skip the salt an use a non-smoked cheese. My girl loves them, I think a waffle maker is super useful if you have kids :)

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