De cand a inceput Postul Pastelui, desi nu il tin, nu stiu ce se intampla cu mine, dar imi e foarte pofta de legume, fructe, leguminoase si alte alimente „plant-based”. Se pare ca bebelina 2 e muult mai putin carnivora ca Ilinca :)) Asa cum salivam eu cu gandul la o iahnie de fasole de post, cu muraturi sau/si varza acra, am pus repede multicookerul la treaba si am savurat o mancare ca la bunica acasa just like that :)


Punem la inmuiat fasolea cu o seara inainte, apoi o scurgem bine si o punem in vasul multicookerului. E optional, am facut in alte dati fasole cu ciolan la multicooker cu fasolea nehidratata FYI :) Turnam 600ml de apa, punem capacul, rotim valva de presiune si setam aparatul pe programul Beans, High pressure, 45 de min.

Intre timp tocam restul legumelor: cepele, morcovul, pastarnacul. Ar fi mers si un ardei capia, dar nu am avut :) Dupa ce timpul s-a scurs, punem un prosopel pe capac si eliberam presiunea cu grija, foosind o spatula. Scurgem bine fasolea, apoi adaugam in vas restul ingredientelor: morcovul, pastarnacul, cepele, uleiul, sucul de rosii, 150ml de apa, cimbrul, mixul de legume uscate (acesta bio de la Mirodenia imi place f mult), boiaua, sare si piper.

Punem capacul, rotim valva si mai gatim inca 10 min pe Manual, High pressure. Dupa ce multicookerul a piuit, repetam procesul: punem un prosopel pe capac sa nu stropeasca, apoi rotim cu grija valva de presiune, folosind o spatula. Miroase divinnn, aceasta iahnie de fasole de post e delicioasa fierbinte, cu muraturi, salata de varza, ardei copti, mmmmm :) Pofta mare!

P.S. – Am multe retete de post AICI si multe retete la multicooker AICI :)


Since this easter religious fasting started, even though I am not doing it, I don’t know what is the matter with me, I am craving only veggies, fruit and other plant based foods. Apparently Baby nr. 2 is not by far such a carnivore as Ilinca :)) So I was drooling over a bean stew with pickles and sauerkraut, so I took the pressure cooker out and got right down to business :)


  • 250 g white beans
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 can of tomatoes (400g)
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp dried veggie mix food base
  • 1 tsp dry thyme, 1 tsp sweet paprika
  • salt, pepper

Soak the beans one night before, then drain well and put in the pressure cooker pot. It’s optional, I’ve done beans in the pressure cooker before without the soaking, FYI :) Add 600ml water, put the lid on, rotate to closed, rotate the pressure valve to closed, too and set for 45 min on Beans, High pressure.

In the meantime, chop the veggies: onions, carrot, parsnip. A red bell pepper would have been great, I didn’t have one :) When the time’s up, put a kitchen cloth o the lid and carefully rotate the pressure valve to open position. Drain well the beans, then put back in the pot along with the: carrot, parsnip, onions, oil, tomato juice and 150 ml water, thyme, dry veggies mix, paprika, salt and pepper.

Put the lid on, close the valve and cook 10 more min on Manual, High pressure. When the cooker beeps, repeat the process: put a cloth on the lid, carefully rotate the valve to open. It smells divine, serve hot with pickles, sauerkraut, roasted peppers, mmmmm :) Enjoy!

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