Mancare pentru bebelusi sterilizata la multicooker. Ne pregatim pentru concediu in Grecia si m-am tot gandit ce voi face cu mancarea lui bebe Teo. La masa de fructe, dimineata, nu avem probleme, mananca piureuri eco doar din fructe sau fructe cu cereale, iar la cina papa iaurt, dar la masa de pranz era problema: piureul de legume cu carnita. NU i-a placut nici un sortiment din comert, am incercat multe :( Asa ca bunica ne-a recomandat sa fierbem borcanase cu piure homemade, iar eu mi-am adus aminte ca noul multicooker CrockPot Turbo Express are siiii functia de Sterilizare :) Si m-am apucat de treaba.


  • 6 borcanase de sticla 167ml*
  • 2 bucati de ficatei de pui
  • 2 dovlecei
  • 1 morcov mare
  • 1 pastarnac
  • 1 bucata de telina
  • 1/2 cartof dulce
  • 1 ceapa
  • 3 lgt ulei de masline

CADOU: Aveti 10% extra-reducere la toate multicookerele Crockpot cu codul Madeline10 pana pe 15 iunie :) Le gasiti AICI.

Spalam bine borcanasele si capacele, eu am folosit aceste borcanase mai mici, de 167ml, pentru ca atat mananca Teo la masa de pranz, ba chiar mai putin, desi o vedeti chubby, nu se omoara cu mancarea :)) Merg ce borcanase mici aveti voi, de 200ml aprox.

Punem 250ml apa in vasul multicookerului, asezam grilajul acestuia si punem borcanasele pe grilaj. Acestea ale mele incap fix 6 in vas. Asezam si capacele printre borcanase. Punem capacul, il rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim si valva de presiune tot spre pozitia Inchis.

Alegem programul Sterilize si apasam Start, nu e nevoie si nici nu puteti face alte setari, e un program automat care dureaza 30 de minute. Dupa ce timpul s-a scurs, lasam cateva minute aparatul, apoi rotim cu grija valva de presiune si scoatem borcanele si capacele cu o spatula, le punem la scurs pe un prosop.

Preparam piureul dorit si preferat de bebe :) Am pus urmatoarele legume: 1 ceapa, 1 morcov, 1 pastarnac, o bucata de telina, 2 dovlecei, 1/2 cartof dulce. Le-am fiert pe toate, adaugand dovleceii la final, pentru ca acestia fierb repede. Separat am fiert si ficateii, apoi am mixat totul in blender, adaugand apa in care au fiert legumele si ulei de masline.

Turnam piureul cald/fierbinte in borcane, le inchidem bine de tot, apoi repetam procedeul: asezam borcanasele pe gratarul multicookerului, tot cu 250ml apa in vas, rotim capacul spre pozitia Inchis, la fel si valva de presiune. Alegem Sterilize, Start si gata :)

Am tinut borcanasele de proba la temeratura camerei aproape o saptamana, s-au pastrat perfecte fara probleme. Capacul face un mic „Pac” la deschidere, semn ca totul s-a sterilizat cu succes. Am repetat si cu carnita de pui, mare succes si acolo :) Deci mi se pare geniala aceasta functie a multicookerului, voi face si gem si dulceata :) Pofta mare, pitici!

P.S. – am etichetat borcanasele cu acest aparat. Alte retete la Crockpot Turbo Express gasiti AICI si AICI. Mancare pentru bebelusi sterilizata la multicooker


We are getting ready for our holiday in Greece and I’ve been thinking about what to do with Teo’s meals. For breakfast it’s easy, she likes store bought organic fruit purees and for dinner she has yogurt, but lunchtime is a real problem. She does NOT like any store bought puree with meat, we tried a lot of brands :( As grandma recommended we put the purees I make into glass jars and boil them to sterilize on the kitchen stove, but I remembered my new pressure cooker, Crockpot Turbo Express, also has the Sterilize program :) Wohoo, and so I did, keep reading :)


  • 6* 167 ml glass jars*
  • 2 pieces of chicken liver
  • 2 courgettes
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 celeriac piece
  • 1/2 sweet potato
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tsp olive oil

Was the glass jars and lids really well, I used these smaller ones of 167 ml, because that’s how much Teo eats, even less :) Even though she is chubby :)) So use any glass jars you have that fit about 200 ml.

Put 250 ml of water in the pressure cooker pot, place the grill inside and arrange the jars and lids on it. Put the cooker lid on, rotate to Closed position, rotate the pressure valve to Closed position, as well.

Select Sterilize and press Start, you don’t need and actually cannot change the setting, it’s an auto program that lasts 30 min. Once the time’s up, wait a couple minutes, then carefully release the pressure valve with a spatula, take out the jars and lids and let them drain on a clean kitchen.

Prepare the desired puree, one that the baby really likes :) I used the following ingredients: 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 parsnip, a celeriac piece, 2 courgettes, 1/2 sweet potato. I boiled chicken liver separately, then I blended everything, with olive oil and water from the boiled veggies, until I reached the desired thickness.

Pour the hot puree into the jars, put the lids on and close them really well, then repeat the process: place 250 ml water in the cooker pot, add the grill and the jars. Rotate the lid to Closed, rotate the pressure valve to Closed position, pick Sterilize program and press Start and that’s it :)

I kept the sterilized jars on the kitchen counter for about a week, to test them, the content was preserved perfectly. The lid will make a small „Pop” when you open them, that’s a sign the process went great :) So this pressure cooker function is super great, I will also make jam and preserve with it :) Enjoy!

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