Cum am intrat in Postul Craciunului, m-am gandit si la cei care tin o dieta keto sau low carb, am studiat si testat mult si am pregatit aceasta super reteta de negresa keto de post :) Este atat de gustoasa, umeda si ciocolatoasa, e mortala, you’ve got to try it! :) Si apropo de post, v-am pregatit AICI o mega selectie de retete keto de post, sper sa va fie de folos :)
- 35g seminte de in, rasnite
- 150ml apa
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt esenta de rom
- 130g unt de migdale (sau arahide)
- 2 lg ulei de cocos
- 80ml apa sau lapte de cocos
- 100g faina de migdale
- 40g cacao
- 100g indulcitor brun
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 150g dovlecel ras
Rasnim fin semintele de in si le amestecam bine cu 150ml de apa, lasam totul 10 min, sa se umfle. Adaugam untul de migdale/arahide, vanilia si esenta de rom, amestecam bine.
Separat amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina de migdale, pudra de cacao, indulcitorul si praful de copt. Combinam cele 2 amestecuri, uscat si lichid, adaugam apa sau laptele de cocos si uleiul de cocos, iar la final incorporam dovlecelul dat pe razatoare si scurs.
Ungem cu ulei si tapetam cu hartie de copt o tava (20*20cm), turnam compozitia, o nivelam frumos. Coacem negresa cam 1 ora la 180C, pana aproape trece testul scobitorii, ca o negresa trebuie sa fie usor umeda, nu? :) Se taie doar dupa ce s-a racit complet. Eu am decorat-o cu ciocolata neagra topita, nuci si fulgi de cocos. Pofta mare!
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As we have entered the religious fasting period before Christmas, I thought of those on a keto or low carb diet, I studied and tested and prepared this yummy keto vegan brownie :) It’s killer, so moist and tasty, you’ve got to try it! :) And speaking of religious fasting, I prepared this selection of keto vegan recipes, I hope it helps you :)
- 35 g flaxseed, ground
- 150 ml water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp rum essence
- 130 g almond or peanut butter
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 80 ml water or coconut milk
- 100 g almond flour
- 40 g cocoa
- 100 g brown sweetener
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 150 g grated zucchini
Finely grind the flaxseed and mix them with 150ml water, let them fluff up for 10 min. Add the almond/peanut butter, vanilla and rum, stir well.
Separately combine the dry ingredients: almond flour, cocoa powder, sweetener, baking powder. Combine the dry and wet mixtures, add the water or coconut milk, coconut oil, and in the end fold in the grated and squeezed zucchini.
Grease with oil and line with baking paper a pan (20*20 cm), pour the batter level nicely and bake the brownie for about 1 hour at 180C, until it barely passes the skewer test, a brownie’s gotta be moist, right? :) Cut only after it’s cooled completely. I decorated it with melted dark chocolate, walnuts and coconut. Enjoy!
Buna ziua! Cu ce pot inlocui semintele de in, din reteta. Am un pui mic cu intoleranta la in dar as dori totusi sa ii fac aceasta reteta.
Mulțumesc mult anticipat!
Buna Madalina, semintele de in inlocuiesc ouale, nu imi dau seama ce altceva ar putea merge…. :( O reteta cu oua ii poti face? Sau zi-mi a ce are alergii sa ma gandesc ce reteta ar merge. Pupici