Desertul meu preferat vara: pandispan simplu cu visine, pufos ca un norisor, dulce si cu visine acrisoare in compozitie. Vedeti ce frumos nu s-au scufundat? Si mixerul face toata treaba, secretul e sa bati foarte bine albusurile si sa incorporezi usor restul ingredientelor :) Pandispan simplu cu visine, as fluffy as a cloud :)
- 200g visine fara samburi
- 5 oua
- 150g faina alba
- 150g zahar brun nerafinat
- 4 lg ulei vegetal (60ml)
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lg rom (optional)
- 1 lgt praf de copt
Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam apoi zaharul brun si batem in continuare pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa. Separat amestecam galbenusurile cu uleiul, vanilia (acest extract e minunat) si romul si turnam treptat acest amestec in spuma, micsorand viteza mixerului.
Cernem si faina treptat, amestecand usooor cu o spatula. Trebuie sa pastram cat mai mult din pufosenie :) Turnam amestecul intr-o tava (18*26cm) unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Presaram visinele bine scurse si mozolite cu putina faina deasupra, eu presar cam jumatate, le imping cu o scobitoare si apoi presar si restul :) Coacem prajitura cam 40-45 de min la 170C pana trece testul scobitorii. Pofta mare!
Baby friendly va recomand acest pandispan fara zahar si fara indulcitori. Iar in varianta keto/low carb vi-l recomand pe acesta :) De toate pentru toata lumea :)
My all time favorite summer dessert: fluffy sour cherry sponge cake, super light, sweet and with sour cherries inside. See how nice they did not sink? And the mixer does all the job, the secret is to beat the egg whites extremely well and to gently fold in the rest of the ingredients :)
- 200 g pitted sour cherries
- 5 eggs
- 150g flour
- 150g brown unrefined sugar
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil (60ml)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp rum (optional)
- 1 tsp baking powder
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until light and fluffy, then add the sugar and beat everything until you get a lovely glossy meringue. Separately combine the egg yolks with the vanilla, rum and oil and pour this mixture into the foam, lowering the mixer speed.
Gradually sift in the flour, with a spatula and circular light movements, to keep the mixture as fluffy as possible. Pour into a tray (18*26 cm) greased with a little oil and lined with baking paper, add the sour cherries coated with a little flour and bake for about 40-45 min at 170C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Enjoy!