Pizza rapida cu blat pufos. Daca sunteti fan pizza, stiti deja ca cea mai buna pizza este cea pe care o faceti in casa: crusta e pufoasa si frageda in acelasi timp, iar toppingul poate fi personalizat fix cu ce va place sau ce aveti prin frigider, the sky is the limit :) Nu e greu deloc si chiar merita, e o activitate foarte placuta in familia sa faceti pizza cu cei dragi :) Aceasta este reteta mea preferata de aluat de pizza, am facut-o de foarte multe ori :)
- 400g faina alba
- 1 pliculet de drojdie
- 200ml apa calduta
- 4 lg ulei de masline extravirgin
- 1 lgt sare
Topping (la alegere)*:
- 3/4 cana sos de rosii (passata)
- lactate: cascaval, branza, mozzarella, cas afumat
- proteine: carne gatita de pui/curcan, sunca, bacon, ton, tofu
- masline: negre sau verzi
- legume: ceapa, ardei, rosii, ciuperci, dovlecei, porumb, sparanghel gatit
- verdeturi: busuioc, baby spanac, ruccola, kale
Amestecam drojdia, apa calduta (calaie, nu fierbinte) cu 2 linguri de faina si lasam amestecul 15 min, sa faca bule :) Fie manual, fie folosind un mixer cu bol si carligul pentru aluat, incepem sa adaugam restul de faina, ulei de masline si sare si framantam bine totul, pana obtinem un aluat moale, elastic. La mine a durat cam 5 minute la robot.
Eu nu mai las aluatul la dospit, ci il intind frumos in tava intinsa a cuptorului tapetata cu hartie de copt, il ung cu sosul de rosii si asez toppingul preferat deasupra.
Sau efectiv ce mai am prin frigider, cum am facut si azi :) Coacem pizza la foc mare (200C) timp de aprox 20 de min, pana se rumenesc putin marginile. Iese perfecta, trebuie servita neaparat fierbinte :) Pofta mare la pizza rapida cu blat pufos!
*In functie de toppingul ales, o puteti face vegana (de post) sau lacto-ovo-vegetariana (fara carne), blatul este oricum de post. *Baby/kid-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an. O reteta de aluat fara drojdie gasiti aici. Pizza rapida.
If you’re a pizza fan you know that the best one is homemade pizza: fluffy tender crust and your favorite topping or any leftover from the fridge, the sky is the limit! :) It’s really not hard and also a pleasant activity to enjoy with your faimly. This is my favorite pizza dough recipe, I’ve prepared it so many times :)
- 400 g whole purpose white flour
- 1 dry yeast sachet
- 200 ml lukewarm water
- 4 tbsp extravirgin olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 3/4 cup tomato sauce (passata)
- dairy: cheese, mozzarella, cotage cheese
- protein: cooked chicken/turkey breast, ham, bacon, tuna, tofu
- olives: black or green
- veggies: onion, pepper, mushrooms, corn, cooked asparagus
- greens: basil, baby spinach, arugula, kale
Stir the yeast, lukewarm water with 2 tablespoons of flour and let it sit for 15 min, until bubbly :) Then start adding the rest of the ingredients while kneading the dough, by hand or using a stand mixer. Knead the dough well until it is soft and elastic. Mine was ready in 5 min using a stand mixer.
I don’t let the dough rise, I just roll it and place it on the large oven tray lined with baking paper. Spread the tomato sauce and favorite topping. Bake at 200 C for approx 20 min, until the edges look crisp. Serve hot and enjoy! :)
*Depending on your choice of topping, you can make this pizza vegan or vegetarian (meat-free), the crust is vegan anyway.