Placinta cu aluat fraged e clar in topul deserturilor pe care le fac mereu acasa, iar azi am incercat varianta cu gutui, pentru ca aveam multe gutui de tara :) De mult timp fac aluatul fraged fara zahar si indulcesc umplutura doar cu putina miere, iar placinta iese la fel de geniala, frageda si super aromata de la gutui, pe care le ador, voi nu?
Aluat fraged:
- 200g unt
- 450g faina + extra pt framantat
- 2 oua
- 150g smantana (sau iaurt gras)
- 100g indulcitor sau zahar* (optional)
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 1 lingura de gris
- 2 kg gutui
- 3-4 lg miere* (dupa gust)
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- 1 galbenus
Pentru umplutura curatam gutuile si le maruntim la robot, apoi le calim cu foarte putina apa si scortisoara, pana se inmoaie si-si schimba culoarea. Puteti pune mai putine gutui, mie imi place cu muulta umplutura :) Adaugam mierea, amestecam si lasam umplutura sa se raceasca.
Aluatul fraged se prepara astfel: mixam unutul rece taiat cubulete, ouale, smantana, faina, praful de copt pana se formeaza o bila de aluat. Eu nu am pus zahar sau indulcitor, pentru a fi baby friendly :) Framatam apoi manual aluatul pe o suprafata presarata cu faina pana devine moale si neted. Il impartim in 2 si rulam 2 foi dreptunghiulare cu facaletul.
Ungem o tava de 24*35 cm cu putin unt sau ulei, o tapetam cu hartie de copt si asezam usor in ea prima foaie de aluat. Presaram grisul, punem compozitia racita, o nivelam frumos cu o spatula si punem si a 2a foaie de aluat. O ungem cu galbenusul batut si o intepam cu furculita. Coacem placinta aprox 45 de min la 170C, pana se rumeneste putin. O lasam sa se raceasca, apoi o taiem felii. Pofta mare!
*Baby-friendly: folositi sirop de artar sau curmale maruntite pt copiii sub 1 an, pentru ei mierea este strict interzisa.
My tender crust is pie is definitely in my top homemade treats and today I made it with quinces, because I had quite a lot :) I make my tender crust without sugar and I sweeten the filling only with a little honey, the pie is amazing, so tender and full of flavor form the quinces I love :) Don’t you?
- 200 g butter
- 450 g flour + extra for rolling the dough
- 2 eggs
- 150 g sour cream (or full fat yogurt)
- 100g sweetener or sugar* (optional)
- 1 tsp organic baking powder
- 1 tbsp semolina
- 2 kg quinces
- 3-4 tbsp honey (to taste)
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 egg yolk
For the filling grate the quinces and saute them with a little water and cinnamon in a non-stick pan for about 10 min, until soft and brownish. You can use less quinces, I like the pie with a lot of filling :) Set it aside to cool.
Prepare the crust like this: mix the cold butter cut into cubes, eggs, sour cream, flour and baking powder. Then manually knead the dough on a floured surface until smooth and soft. Cut in half and roll 2 sheets.
Grease a 24*35 cm oven dish with butter, line with baking paper and put the first sheet on the bottom. Sprinkle the semolina, add the chilled quince filling and level with a spatula. Place the second dough sheet on top, grease with a beaten egg yolk and poke with a skewer. Bake the pie for about 45 min at 170 C, until slightly brownish on the edges. Let the pie completely cool down, then cut into slices. Enjoy!