Pentru toti parintii care in aceasta perioada stau si lucreaza de acasa, si asta cu copiii alaturi, I feel ya! :)) Stiu eu sigur ca aceasta idee de activitate va veni la fix! :)) Plastilina DIY din doar 2 ingrediente! E foarte misto de facut, distractiva si pentru parinti si pentru copii :) Si eu am renuntat la tot ce mai aveam in sticla de balsam de par, pentru ca ce nu face un parinte pentru 30 de min de liniste fericirea copilului? :))


Am folosit ca masura o canuta (measuring cup) de 100ml, pt ca am avut putin balsam de par :)) Puteti folosi orice cana sau masura aveti. Punem 1 masura de amidon de porumb si 1 de balsam de par si amestecam cu o spatula.

Incepem sa adaugam restul de amidon treptat, framantand bine, cu mainile, pana obtinem o spuma maleabila exact ca plastilina :) Nu va speriati daca la inceput e lipicioasa, prin framantare si adaugare de amidon ajungeti la un moment dat la consistenta plastilinei, trust me :)

Adaugati daca doriti si cateva picaturi de colorant (alimentar, ideal) si/sau uleiuri esentiale pentru o aroma placuta (eu le pun in orice :)). Plastilina mea a iesit galbena de la balsam, iar in jumatate am adaugat putin colorant mov si mi-a iesit un rozo-portocaliu si bonus maini patate :)))

Plastilina DIY se pastreaza in pungi cu zip si tine cam 1 sapt, daca se usuca, mai adaugati 1 picatura de balsam si o mai framantati. Distractie placuta! :)

*Idee preluata de aici.


To all those parents staying and working from home these days, along with your children, I feel ya! :)) I am so sure this activity is the perfect thing for you! :D DIY 2 ingredient play dough! It is so fun to and easy to make, for parents and kids, too :) I gave up my last bottle of hair conditioner, but what wouldn’t a parent do for 30min of peace their child’s happiness? :)))


  • 2 cups* corn starch
  • 1 cup hair conditioner
  • 4-5 drops essential oil (optional)
  • 4-5 drops coloring (optional)

I used a small 100 ml measuring cup because I had very little hair conditioner left :)) You can use any cup, mug or other measure you have. Combine 1 cup of starch and 1 cup of conditioner, mix with a spatula.

Start adding the rest of the start while mixing, then knead with your hands until the dough forms. Don’t be worried if it’s very sticky at first, by adding starch and kneading you WILL reach dough consistency :)

Now you can add a few drops of coloring (food coloring is best) and/or essential oils for a pleasant perfume (I add them to everything :)) My play dough turned out yellow because of the conditioner, and in half of it I added a few drops of purple coloring and got a pink/orange color and dirty hands :))))

DIY play dough lasts for about 1 week in zip bags, but you can revitalize it with a drop of conditioner and extra kneading. Have fun!

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