Un desert decadent extrem de dulce si savuros pe care de muuult timp voiam sa il fac, de cand l-am zarit in Good Food acum ceva ani, iar azi chiar mi-am luat inima in dinti :) Nu e o reteta pentru cei la dieta, asa ca inchideti si voi ochii si nu mai numarati caloriile in weekend :)) Prajitura lipicioasa cu caramel. Un desert wow!
Ingrediente (8-10 portii):
- 200g curmale
- 100g unt
- 3 oua
- 175g faina
- 100g zahar de cocos
- 150g iaurt grecesc
- 1-2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
Sos caramel:
- 25g unt
- 100g zahar de cocos
- 200ml smantana lichida*
Punem la inmuiat curmalele fara samburi in apa clocotita cat sa le acopere si extractul de vanilie timp de 15-20 de min, apoi le pasam usor cu furculita, cu tot cu lichid. Batem cu mixerul untul si zaharul pana obtinem o crema spumoasa. Adaugam ouale, unul cate unul, si iaurtul, apoi adaugam alternativ putin cate putin faina (amestecata cu bicarbonatul) si amestecul de curmale.
Turnam compozitia intr-o forma rotunda (diametru 23 cm) cu fund detasabil unsa cu unt si tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem prajitura aprox 40-45 de min la 170 C, pana trece testul scobitorii.
Pentru sosul de caramel amestecam pe foc intr-o craticioara untul si zaharul, iar dupa ce se caramelizeaza si incepe sa faca bule adaugam si smantana, amestecand pana la ingrosare. Dupa ce prajitura s-a racit o taiem felii si turnam sosul caramel pe fiecare felie. Yummy! :)
*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, Artesana si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Smantana fara caragenan trebuie batuta cu putina zeama de lamaie, pentru a se intari, fiind naturala. Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)
*Reteta inspirata de aici
A decadent dessert, sweet and comforting I’ve been wanting to make for a long time, ever since I saw the recipe in Good Food years ago. So today I finally did it :) It’s not a good treat if you’re on a diet, but, hey, stop counting calories during weekends! :)) Sticky toffee cake. A wow desert! :)
Ingredients (8-10 servings):
- 200 g dates
- 100 g butter
- 3 eggs
- 175 g flour
- 100 g coconut sugar
- 150 g Greek yogurt
- 1-2 tsp natural vanilla extract
- 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate
Caramel sauce:
- 25 g butter
- 100 g coconut sugar
- 200 ml double cream
Soak the dates in boiling water and vanilla extract for 15-20 min, then mash with a fork, along with the liquid. Beat the butter and sugar until softened and foamy, then add the eggs, one by one and yogurt. Start adding, alternatively the flour (mixed with the sodium bicarbonate) and date mixture.
Pour the mixture in a spring form round pan (23 cm diameter) greased with butter and lined with baking paper and bake for about 40-45 min at 170 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
For the caramel sauce heat up in a saucepan over medium heat the butter and sugar until bubbly and caramelized, then pour the double cream and mix until thickened. Once the cake has cooled, slice and serve with caramel sauce on top. Yummy! :)