O salata incredibil de simpla care va garantez ca va face senzatie :) Salata de ardei si rosii coapte. Zeama superba lasata de rosii va prelua din iutimea ardeiului iute si aroma ardeiului capia… Curcubeu pe cerul gurii :)) Atentie! Painea proaspata de casa e un „must” pentru mozolit in zeama picanta :D

Ingrediente (6 portii):

  • 1 kg ardei capia
  • 1 kg rosii
  • 1/2 ardei iute verde
  • paine proaspata pentru servit

Coacem legumele intregi pe gratarul bine incins, pana se rumenesc frumos. Decojim rosiile si le scoatem cotorul, apoi le taiem cubulete IN vasul in care vom servi salata. Neaparat procedati asa, pentru ca rosiile trebuie sa isi lase zeama in vas.

Curatam ardeii de coaja si seminte si ii taiem si pe ei, ii punem peste rosii si la final adaugam ardeiul iute taiat felii subtiri, fara seminte. Sa il gustati neaparat inainte, trebuie sa fie iute, daca are gust de ardei gras n-am facut nimic :))

Amestecam si asteptam cel putin 15 minute ca aromele sa se intrepatrunda si savuram cu paine proaspata. Daca va ramane si mancati a doua zi sau mai tarziu, sa scoateti ardeiul iute din salata, altfel it’s gonna get way too hot! :) Pofta mare!


I guarantee this incredibly simple salad will be a major hit :) Roasted tomato and bell pepper salad. The gorgeous juice from the tomatoes will take over the spiciness from the chili and the flavor of the roasted bell pepper… A delight :) Warning! Fresh homemade bread is a must for dipping in the hot sauce :D

Ingredients (6 servings):

  • 1 kg sweet red pepper
  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 1/2 green chili
  • fresh bread for serving

Roast the vegetables on the well heated grill until nice and brown. Peel the tomatoes, remove the core, then cut them into cubes IN the dish you will serve the salad in. Please do as I tell you, because the tomatoes must leave their juice.

Peel the red peppers, chop them as well, put them in the bowl next to the tomatoes and in the end add the sliced chili, seeds removed. Do taste the chili, it must be spicy, if it tastes like red pepper it’s useless :))

Mix everything and wait 15 min for the flavors to combine, then enjoy the salad with fresh bread. If you have leftovers for later, remove the chili from the salad, otherwise it will get way too hot! :) Enjoy!

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