De 5 ani de cand sunt mama si timpul e limitat, totul e contra cronometru, asa ca samponul uscat e un Must have. Pentru ca imi place sa fiu cat de cat aranjata si pentru asta parul e esential sa arate bine si curat :) Am cumparat o gramada de sampoane uscate scumpe si pline de chimicale de-a lungul timpului, dar hey, omul cat traieste invata :D Ma bucur ca am descoperit acest truc natural chiar si acum si vreau sa vi-l impartasesc si voua, iata cat de simplu iti poti face sampon uscat acasa, si cat de eficient este, mi-am si pozat parul! :))
- 3 lg amidon de porumb (40g)
- 7 pic ulei esential de Rozmarin
- 3 lgt de: turmeric (pt par blond), scortisoara (saten), (brunet), boia dulce (roscat)
Punem intr-un bol amidonul si colorantul natural folosit, eu am pus cacao pentru ca mi s-a parut ca merge mai bine pe parul meu roscat inchis, spre visiniu :) Oricum culoarea nu ramane pe par decat foarte putin, asa, ca o tenta.
Adaugam uleiul esential de Rozmarin, e excelent pentru par gras, stiti ca si in sampoanele pentru par gras se foloseste, iar mie nu imi lipseste din casa (imi adaug si 2-3 pic in sampon la fiecare spalare). Omogenizam bine bine cu un tel pana nu mai sunt cocoloase si culoarea e uniforma. Ah si miroase atat de fresh! :)
Aplicam cu o pensula mare pentru Blush pe pielea capului, la radacini, apoi periem bine. M-am poza singura in cele 3 poze: prima e inainte de aplicare, a 2a – dupa ce am aplicat pudra, aici arata de parca am albit :)) iar a 3a – dupa pieptanat, eu zic ca se vede clar diferenta, nu? :)
Samponul acesta uscat sub forma de pudra se depoziteaza intr-o cutie de sticla, cu capac si se aplica la nevoie cu pensula. Chiar sunt curioasa daca incercati aceasta reteta sa imi spuneti cum vi se pare :) iar daca vreti sa incercati uleiul de Rozmarin, dati-mi un mesaj, Pupiiiici!
I’ve been a mother for 5 years now, and my time is super limited so the dry shampoo is a Must have for me, because I like to feel pretty and clean nice hair really helps :) I have bought A LOT of expensive and filled with chemicals dry shampoos, but hey, live and learn right? :) I am so happy I found this trick now and I want to share it with you, look how simple it is to make your own natural dry shampoo at home, and hot efficient it is, I even took photos of my hair along the process! :))
- 3 tbsp cornstarch (40 g)
- 7 drops Rosemary essential oil
- 3 tsp of: turmeric (for blonde hair), cinnamon (slight brown hair), cocoa (brunette), sweet paprika (red hair)
Place the cornstarch in a bowl and the natural coloring (I used cocoa because I thought it goes tbets with my red purple hair colors :)Anyway, the colora will not stick to the hair, it will just leave a discrete tint.
Add the Rosemary essential oil, it’s perfect for greasy hair, you know that shampoos for oily hair contain rosemary extract. I always have a bottle at home and I put 2-3 drops in my shampoo. Mix well with a whisk, until there are no more lumps and the color is uniform. It smells so fresh! :)
Apply with a big brush over the roots, then comb your hair thoroughly. I took 3 photos of my hair, the first is before application, the second after, where I seem to have gray hair :)) and the third is after combing my hair. The difference is obvious, right? :)
This powder dry shampoo needs to be stored in a small glass jar, apply it whenever you need it with a large makeup brush. I am really curious if you try this, please let mw know what you think about it :) And if you want to try Rosemary essential oil, just DM me, kisses!