Sarmale la multicooker. Toamna trecuta am facut pentru prima data in viata mea sarmale, nu stiu de ce, dar mi se parea un fel de mancare foarte complicat. Dar de fapt nu este, eu le-am facut la multicookerul meu CrockPot Express, pe functia de gatire sub presiune, care face carnea FOARTE frageda si pastreaza toate sucurile si aromele in mancare, si totul repede, it’s saucery, I tell ya! :))


  • 900g carne de porc
  • 100g orez* (sau orez konjac)
  • 2 cepe
  • 100g bacon
  • 450ml suc de rosii
  • sare, piper
  • 1 lgt boia dulce
  • 1 lgt cimbru uscat
  • 5 foi de dafin
  • 3 lg ulei
  • 900g varza murata

Mod de preparare

Eu am avut pulpa de porc, pe care am dat-o prin masina de tocat, puteti folosi ce carne tocata va place. Pentru umplutura punem intr-un bol mare carnea tocata, cepele tocate marunt, orezul (orez konjac pt varianta keto/low carb, gasiti aici), sare, piper, boia, cimbru. Amestecam bine de tot.

Pregatim frunzele de varza murata, eu le-am taiat pe jumatate pentru ca au fost foarte mari. Am pus deoparte partea tare alaturi de diverse resturi de frunze rupte.

Punem cate o lingura de compozitie pe jumatate de frunza de varza si o rulam usor, inchizand si lateralele. Am obtinut 38 de sarmale, iar ce varza mi-a ramas am tocat alaturi cu partile tari si frunzele rupte. Asezam in vasul multicookerului un strat de varza tocata.

Adaugam si o treime din baconul taiat fasiute. Asezam un strat de sarmale, punem cateva linguri de suc de rosii si continuam cu alt strat de sarmale, tot asa pana sus.

Terminam cu cealalta jumatate din cantitatea de varza tocata, turnam sucul rosii ramas, adaugam frunzele de dafin, uleiul, punem capacul. Rotim valva de presiune spre pozitia inchis si setam programul Meat/Stew, High pressure pt 1 ora.

Dupa ce timpul s-a scurs, lasam aparatul 5-10 min, apoi punem un prosop pe capac si deschidem cu grija cu o ustensila de bucatarie valva. Pofta mare la cele mai bune sarmale la multicooker! :)


I made cabbage rolls for the first time last autumn, I don’t know why, I always thought it was such a complicated dish. But they are not, I cooked them in my pressure cooker, which makes meat tender and all the juices and flavors remain inside and all so fast, it’s some kind of saucery, I tell ya! :))


  • 900 g pork chops
  • 100g rice* (or konjac rice)
  • 2 onions
  • 100 g bacon
  • 450ml tomato juice
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika
  • 1 tsp dry thyme
  • 5 bay leaves
  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 900g sauerkraut

I used pork chops that I ground with my meat grinder, but you can use any minced meat you like. For the filling place in a large bowl the minced, meat, rice (konjac for keto/low carb), salt pepper, paprika, thyme. Mix well.

Prepare the sauerkraut leaves, I cut them in half because they were too big. I also cut out the hard part along with torn leaf pieces. .

Put one tablespoon of the filling, roll it, closing the sides, too. I got 38 pieces and I chopped the leftover cabbage, hard parts and torn pieces. Plate in the pressure cooker bowl a layer of chopped sauerkraut.

Add one third of the chopped bacon, one layer or cabbage rolls, a few tablespoons of tomat juice and go on like this, all they way up, top with the other half of the chopped cabbage.

Pour the remaining tomato juice, olive oil, bay leaves, put the lid on, turn the pressure valve to closed position. Set the program Meat/Stew, High pressure for 1 hour.

When the time’s up, let the cooker 5-10 more mins, then put a towel on the lid and turn the pressure valve to Open position, using a spatula. Enjoy the best pressure cooker cabbage rolls! :)

2 Comments on Sarmale la multicooker / Pressure cooker cabbage rolls

  1. Buna, sunt dornica sa incerc reteta ta, dar am o intrebare legata de cantitatea de lichid – e suficient sucul rosii ca sa nu se arda? Mi s.a intamplat (la alte retete) sa dea eroare aparatul si sa se lipeasca de fund mancarea pt ca nu era destula apa. Multumesc!!

    • Buna Melania, da, e destul lichid, ca sunt ingramadite sarmalele si isi mai lasa si varza zeama, carnea… :) Sa imi spui cum ies, Pupici!

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