Am postat azi pe Stories poze cu ardeii umpluti si mi-ati tot cerut reteta, asa ca brusc mi-am dat seama ca practic eu NU am reteta de ardei umpluti la multicooker pe blog, OMG #FacePalm :)) Doar aceasta varianta very low carb, cu „orez” de conopida. Dar mult mai des fac din cei „normali” cu orez, pentru ca doar eu ii mananc pe cei cu conopida :))) Asa ca va las aici pe blog FIX cum ii fac eu mereu, si ies super buni de fiecare data, cel putin la noi in familie sunt adorati si mancati cu multa pofta si smantana, ofc :)
- 8 ardei grasi
- 500g carne tocata (vita+porc)
- 80g orez
- 1 ceapa (rosie)
- 1 morcov mare
- 1/2 legatura de patrunjel
- 1 lg mix de legume deshidratate
- 1 lgt sare
- 1 lgt boabe de piper
- 1/2 lgt boia dulce
- 4-5 frunze de dafin
- cateva crengute de cimbru sau 1/2 lgt cimbru uscat
- 4 lgt bulion
- 3 lg ulei
Mod de preparare
Curatam ceapa, decojim morcovul, le taiem bucati marisoare si le punem in robotul de bucatarie alaturi de patrunjel. Le maruntim bine, le adaugam apoi peste carnea tocata (am folosit amestec vita+porc, mai fac si doar cu vita), adaugam si orezul si condimentele: sarea, mixul de legume uscate (din acesta folosesc, fara Euri :), boiaua dulce.
Decupam cu un cutit mic cotoarele ardeilor si le inlaturam, apoi umplem ardeii cu amestecul de carne. Eu pun mereu inainte ardeii grasi in vasul multicookerului (eu am Crockpot Turbo Express, dar merge la fel si la modelul Crockpot Express), ca sa vad cati incap si sa stiu cati curat :)) De obicei iau 8 medii/micuti si ii indes bine in vas :)
Turnam apa in vasul multicookerului cat ardeii sa fie aproape acoperiti de apa (sau suc de rosii, si atunci omiteti bulionul), adaugam linguritele de bulion din loc in loc, apoi punem si: uleiul, boabele de piper, foile de dafin si crengutele de cimbru (sau putin cimbru uscat, eu nu am avut acum cimbru proaspat). Punem capacul, acum de aici avem 2 variante:
- Daca „arde” si foamea e mare :)), ii gatesc 40 de min pe Meat/Stew, High pressure :) Cu valva de presiune rotita spre pozitia Inchis.
- Daca ma organizez cum trebuie, ii pun la facut dimineata pe Slow Cook, 4 ore pe High pressure :) Cu valva de presiune spre pozitia Deschis. Cum am facut azi dimineata, la 8 pusesem totul in vas si apasasem Start, la 12:00 cand am venit de la scoala erau fierbinti si deliciosi! (oricum are si functia Keep warm)
Either way, mi se par cei mai buni ardei umpluti la multicooker din lume. Pofta mare! :) Alte retete la CrockPot Express gasiti pe blogul meu aici sau pe siteul CrockPot Romania: Crockpot Express si Crockpot Turbo Express. Sa incercati si reteta celor de la CrockPot de ardei umpluti aici :) Ardei umpluti la multicooker.
I posted my stuffed peppers this morning on Stories and you asked for the recipe, when I suddenly realized I do NOT have a classic stuffed pepper recipe on my blog, OMG #FacePalm :)) Just this version very low carb, with cauliflower rice, but I don’t cook it too often, because I am the only one to eat it :)) So today I give you my classic stuffed pepper recipe, using my pressure cooker, it’s simply the best, my all time favorite :) With lots of sour cream, ofc :)
- 8 yellow bell peppers
- 500 g minced meat (beef+pork)
- 80 g rice
- 1 red onion
- 1 large carrot
- 1/2 bunch of parsley
- 1 tbsp dry veggies mix
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper corns
- 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
- 4-5 bay leaves
- a few thyme threads or 1/2 tsp dry thyme
- 4 tsp tomato paste
- 3 tbsp oil
Peel the onion and carrot, cut them in chunks and dice them in the food processor along with the parsley. Add the diced veggies over the meat, rice, add the spices: salt, sweet paprika, dry veggies mix.
Cut out the cores of the peppers, then fill the peppers with the meat stuffing/ I put the peppers first in the pressure cooker pot, to see how many fit :)) I usually get 8 small/medium ones and tuck them in well :)
Pour water in the pressure cooker pot enough so that the peppers are nearly covered (or tomato juice, and then omit the tomato paste), add tomato paste teaspoons here and there, then add the oil, pepper corns, bay leaves and thyme threads. Put the lid on, rotate to Closed position, now we have 2 options:
- If there is an urgent situation and you are „hangry” :)) I cook the stuffed peppers for 40 min on Meat/Stew, High pressure :) With the pressure valve rotated to Closed position.
- If I am well organized, I put them in the morning on Slow Cook, 4 hours, High pressure :) With the pressure valve to Open position. Like I did this morning, I pressed start at 8 AM and at noon, the peppers were done, hot and yummy :) (the cooker also has the Keep warm function, anyway)
Either way, there are the best stuffed peppers in the world to me! :) Enjoy!