Un desert sau mic dejun baby friendly super gustos si pufos, cu fructe delicioase de sezon: budinca de gris cu afine. Pentru copii mai mari (+1 an) sau adulti se poate indulci, optional, cu putina miere sau sirop de artar :) Desi eu sincer am gustat si mi s-a parut perfecta asa, dulceata naturala de la afine e suficienta :) Puteti folosi si alte fructe de sezon: caise, piersici, zmeura, cirese, visine… Va invit sa urmariti aici reteta video.

Ingrediente (4-6 portii):

Punem la fiert laptele, adaugam grisul cand incepe sa fiarba si amestecam bine pana se ingroasa. Adaugam untul, vanilia, le incoporam, apoi lasam la racit amestecul de gris.

Adaugam galbenusurile in amestecul de gris racit (ca sa nu se faca omleta galbenusurile :), omogenizam usor cu un tel. Separat batem albusurile spuma si le incorporam si pe acestea usor, cu o spatula, in 2 transe.

Ungem o forma termorezistenta cu unt, am folosit una de 18*26cm, puteti coace si in ceva mai mic si va iesi mai inaltuta budinca :) sau in forme de silicon; turnam amestecul si presaram afinele deasupra, le impingem usor in compozitie. Coacem budinca de gris cu afine 30-40 de min la 170C. O servim calduta, cu smantana :) E geniala, pofta mare!

Cantitatile se pot injumatati foarte usor. Tot baby friendly e si aceasta budinca de cuscus cu afine :) Am folosit aceasta plita pe inductie.


A baby friendly dessert or breakfast that is very tasty, fluffy and has fresh fruit: semolina blueberry pudding. For kids older than 1 or adults, you can sweeten it with a little honey or maple syrup, but to be honest I tasted it and it seemed perfect just like this, the sweetness of the blueberries was more than enough :) You can use other fresh fruit: apricots, peaches, raspberries, cherries, sour cherries…

Ingredients (4-6 servings):

  • 500 ml milk
  • 80 g semolina
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • 120 g blueberries

Bring the milk to a boil, then add the semolina and stir constantly until it thickens. Add the butter, vanilla and mix well, then let it cool .

Add the 2 egg yolks into the cooled mixture (so that they don’t turn into scrambled eggs :)) Separately beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Fold them into the mixture in 2 batches.

Grease a pan (18*26 cm) with butter, pour the mixture and add the blueberries. Gently poke them inside, then bake for about 30-40 min at 170 C. Serve warm, with sour cream :) It’s amazing, enjoy!

You can easily split the quantities in half.

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