Azi am pentru voi un desert exotic de post, foarte aromat si gustos, sigur va va placea: budinca de taitei de orez. Aromele sunt fantastice, si va spuns sincer ca cel mai mult conteaza calitatea ingredientelor, la care nu fac rabat. Mai ales ca in ajutor imi vin prietenii mei de la Webcoffee, de unde ma aprovizionez cu delicatese, au super multe bunatati, aruncati un ochi pe siteul lor aici :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 500ml lapte de cocos Cajuwell
- 60g taitei de orez
- 1 lg unt de arahide sau migdale
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1/4 lgt cardamom pudra
- 2 lg miere de cimbru
- 2 lg sirop de caramel Monin, fara zahar
Mod de preparare
Punem intr-o craticioara pe foc laptele de cocos la fiert. Gama de bauturi vegetale Cajuwell are 4 sortimente, toate neindulcite si fara bazaconii :) Si anume: de migdale, de cocos, de ovaz si de alune si cacao, eu am folosit lapte de cocos.
Cand e aproape sa fiarba, adaugam taiteii de orez rupti usor cu mana. Conform instructiunilor trebuie doar inmuiati in apa calda 5 minute, asa ca i-am lasat fix 5 minute in laptele fierbinte.
Adaugam vanilia, pudra de cardamom, untul de arahide (sau migdale) si indulcitorul: eu am folosit o aromata miere greceasca de cimbru delicioasa. Amestecam bine, eu am folosit un tel pentru a incorpora untul de arahide, apoi impartim compozitia in 2 boluri.
Am servit aceasta delicioasa budinca de taitei de orez cu topping de fistic si sirop de la Monin, care e ceva…. WOW :) Eu am ales varianta de caramel fara zahar, dar il gasiti la Webcoffee intr-o mega varietate de arome: trandafiri, vanilie, mango, nuga, visine, zahar ars, visine, piper, sangria, iasomie, lime, capsuni, castravete, macaron, ghimbir, menta si muulte altele :)
Puteti indulci budinca doar cu acest sirop in loc de miere, pt o varianta dietetica. Este o reteta simpla, insa ingredientele si combinatia de arome o transforma intr-un desert fin si sanatos, de incercat neaparat :) Enjoy!
I’ve got a super yummy vegan dessert for you today, full of flavor and extra delicious: rice noodle pudding. The flavor are just amazing and I tell you: it’s the quality of the ingredients that makes the difference in a recipe. Webcoffee shop helps me with that, they are my gourmet yummies provider, you can check out their store here here :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 500ml Cajuwell unsweetened coconut milk
- 60g rice noodles
- 1 tbsp peanut or almond butter
- 1 lgt tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp powdered cardamom
- 2 tbsp thyme honey
- 2 tbsp sugar free Monin caramel sauce
Place the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Cajuwell has 4 types of unsweetened delicious drinks: almond, coconut, oat and hazelnut+cocoa. I used coconut milk. When it’s close to boiling, ad the rice noodle, gently crumbled with your hands. They need to be soaked just 5 min in hot water.
Add the vanilla, cardamom powder, peanut butter (or almond butter) and the sweetener: I used an incredible Greek thyme honey. Mix well, I sued a whisk to incorporate the peanut butter, then divide the mixture in 2 bowls.
I served this delicious rice noodle pudding with pistachio topping and Monin syrup, that is just… . WOW :) My choice was sugar free caramel, but at Webcoffee you can find it in SO many flavors: rose, mango, vanilla, nougat, sour cherry, creme brulee, pepper, sangria, jasmine, lime, strawberries and soooo much more :) So hard to choose :)
You can sweetener this pudding only with sugar free syrup, for a lighter version. It’s such a simple but recipe, the ingredients and flavor combination turn it into a healthy and refined treat :) Enjoy!