O bunatate de bombonele, super sanatoase, din doar 3 ingrediente: caramele keto. Fara zahar, fara gluten, cu numar redus de carbohidrati, sunt super gustoase si au consistenta fix de caramele cumparate din comet :) Nu arata cine stie ce, insa la gust sunt DELICIOASE! Iar cantitatile sunt f usor de dublat, triplat, etc :) (16 buc a cate 66cal si 0g carbs net)


Simplu de tot: punem pe foc intr-o craticioara nonaderenta untul, indulcitorul rasnit pudra (eu la blender il fac pudra :) si smantana lichida*. Fierbem totul amestecand constant timp de aprox 20-25 de min. Culoarea se va schimba din auriu in maroniu deschis, apoi mai inchis.

Verificam compozitia turnand cate 1 picatura pe o farfurie, daca se intareste imediat e gata. Turnam compozitia in forme de silicon si le introducem in congelator pana caramelele se intaresc (dureaza cam 30-50 min). Hint: puteti turna niste ciocolata fara zahar topita peste aceste caramele keto…. :) Wink wink! :))

ATENTIE, prima data cand le-am facut am fiert prea mult amestecul si grasimea s-a separat, ca in imaginile de mai jos, Nu e o tragedie, sunt oricum bune, insa difera consistenta, sunt ca niste bomboane fondante, ceea ce nu e un lucru rau. Asadar, fiti cu ochii pe ele :)

*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)


A yummy healthy keto treat from only 3 ingredients: keto caramels. Sugar-free, gluten-free, with small carb number, they are so tasty. Remember fondant candy? They have the exact consistency, but with a delicious caramel flavor :) And the quantities are super easy to double, triple and so on..:)


  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g powdered eritritol (or tagatesse, xylitol)
  • 100 g heavy cream

Super simple: place the heavy cream, powdered sweetener (I turn mine into powder using the blender) and butter in a saucepan over low heat and simmer for about 20-25 min, always stirring. the mixture will turn from light golden to light brown, then medium brown.

Check the mixture by pouring a couple drops on a plate, if they become hard right away, the caramel’s ready. Pour into silicone molds and freeze until set. You can drizzle some melted chocolate on top, just a suggestion.. :) Wink wink! :))

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