Am facut mai de mult, prin 2017, niste pernute cu scortisoara gen Cini Minis baby friendly, si mi-ati tot cerut si o varianta keto/lowcarb friendly, asa ca vreau sa va arat azi aceasta reteta de cereale keto cu scortisoara, sunt super super bune, aromate si crocante (daca le intindeti in strat f subtire si le rumeniti bine). Cu lapte de cocos sau migdale si fructe de padure iese un mic dejun dulce demential :)

Ingrediente (4 portii):

Batem untul moale, la temperatura camerei cu indulcitorul, apoi adaugam oul, vanilia (eu am pus pasta mea de vanilie, care NU e keto, pentru ca e cu miere, FYI, voi sa puneti extract :), scortisoara, praful de copt. Mixam bine, adaugam si faina de migdale, vom obtine un aluat moale, omogen.

Il transferam pe o folie alimentara, ii infasuram bine si ii dam o forma rotunda. Introducem aluatul in frigider o ora sau pana se intareste suficient cat sa poata fi intins si decupat frumos :)

Intre 2 hartii de copt intindem aluatul intr-un strat subtire si trasam linii verticale si orizontale astfel incat sa obtinem patratele mici. Presaram uniform indulcitor si scortisoara deasupra si coacem totul cam 10-12 min la 170C, cu ochii pe patratele, sa nu se rumeneasca prea tare :) Depinde foarte mult si de cuptor.

Dupa ce s-au racit, le rupem usor cu mainile si le depozitam in borcanase. Le servim cu laptele preferat, fulgi de migdale, cocos etc si fructe de padure. Enjoy! :)

*Reteta inspirata de aici.


I made back in 2017 some baby friendly Cini Minis cereals, and you’ve been asking me to make a keto/low carb version, so ta daaa! :) These keto cinnamon cereals re so good, tasty, full of flavor and yummy. You can serve them with coconut or almond milk and berries, that makes a super sweet breakfast :)

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 180 g almond flour
  • 90 g butter
  • 80 g erythritol
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • Topping: 4 tbps erythritol, 2 tsp cinnamon

Beat the softened butter (at room temperature) with the sweetener until creamy, then add the egg, vanilla (I used my vanilla paste, which is not keto because it was honey, please use vanilla extract :), cinnamon, baking powder. Beat everyhting a little more, then add the almond flour and incorporate. You will get a soft dough.

Wrap in clingfilm, form a ball and place in the fridge to chill for 1-2 hours. Transfer between 2 pieces of baking paper, roll into a thin layer and cut out small squares, using vertical and horizontal lines. Bake for about 10-12 min at 170C, until lovely golden, keeping a close eye on them not to turn too dark :)

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