Ciorba de fasole pastai. Am venit de la tara cu multe pachete de fasole pastai, proaspat culese, pregatite si curatate cu mult de bunica mea, strabunica Ilincai si primul lucru pe care am vrut sa il fac cu ele a fost o ciorba de fasole pastai :) Foarte buna a iesit, desi la noi doar eu sunt fana astfel de ciorbe si mi-am facut pofta :)
- 500g fasole pastai
- 2 morcovi
- 1 ceapa
- 1 bucatica mica de telina
- 1 rosie
- 2 lg ulei de masline
- 1 lgt sare
- 150ml smantana
- 2 galbenusuri
- marar tocat
Tocam legumele: ceapa, morcovii, telina si le calim in uleiul de masline in oala in care facem ciorba. Cand s-au inmuiat putin, adaugam fasolea pastai taiata bucatele potrivite, apa cat sa acopere legumele si mai lasam pe foc totul cam 15 min sau pana fasolea e fiarta.
Adaugam apoi rosia taiat cubulete mici, sarea, putin cimbru si mai fierbem 5 min ciorba. Batem galbenusurile cu smantana (merge si cea lichida si cea normala, fermentata, adaugam din ciorba fierbinte in acest amestec pentru a se incalzi, apoi il turnam in ciorba, presaram marar proaspat tocat si inchidem focul. Pofta mare!
I came from the countryside with many string beans packs, carefully prepared with love by my grandma, Ilinca’s great grandmother. Adn the first thing I wanted to do with them was a string beans sour soup :) Soooo delicious, even though I am the only one eating these soups, I was so happy to have prepared one :)
- 500g string beans
- 2 carrots
- 1 onion
- 1 small celeriac piece
- 1 tomato
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 150 ml sour/heavy cream
- 2 egg yolks
- chopped dill
Chop the veggies: carrots, onion, celeriac and saute them in the hot olive oil until softened. Add the string beans cut into medium chunks add water enough to cover the veggies and cook everything for about 15 min ot until the string beans is tender.
Add then the diced tomato, salt, a little thyme and cook 5 more mins. Beat the egg yolks and cream, add 2 small bowl from the hot soup, mix and transfer to the soup pot. Sprinkle freshly chopped dill, turn the fire off. Enjoy!