In general fac de cel putin 1 data pe saptamana supa sau ciorba, ciorba de preferat, ca ne place varianta acra :)) Ca sa nu stau langa aragaz mult, le fac la multicookerul Crock Pot Express. Veti spune, ei nah, dar aragazul ce are? Eeeeh, va zic eu: prin gatirea sub presiune, TOTUL iese mai rapid si mai gustos, pentru ca se pastreaza toate sucurile, aromele, tot ce e bun :) Nu va inchipuiti cum iesi ardeii umpluti si sarmalele la acest aparat minune :D Asadar, aceasta e reteta mea de ciorba de pui fail-proof, pe care o fac mereu si care ne place la nebunie :)
- 1 pachet de carne de pui cu oase si piele*
- 2 morcovi
- 1 bucatica de telina
- 1 pastarnac
- 1 cartof* (optional)
- 1 ardei gras
- 2 lg bulion
- 1 ceapa mare
- 1 lg mix de condimente
- 1 L bors
- fidea/paste/taitei* (optional)
- smantana, patrunjel sau leustean, ardei iuti pt servit
In vasul multicookerului punem 2L de apa, carnea de pui si 1 lgt de sare. Punem capacul si il rotim spre inchis, inchidem supapa de abur si programam aparatului 15 min pe Poultry (High Pressure).
Intre timp tocam marunt toate legumele*. Dupa ce aparatul a piuit, rotim cu grija supapa cu o spatula si dupa 5 min deschidem capacul*. Strecuram supa si o turnam inapoi in vasul multicookerului. Deci am scapat de pazit aragazul si inlaturat periodic spuma, remarcati, da? :)
Adaugam legumele tocate marunt, 1 lingura de mix de condimente baza de mancaruri (fara glutamat, aceasta e foarte ok de exemplu), carnea culeasa de pe oase, punem capacul, inchidem supapa si programam aparatul 17 min pe programul Soup (High pressure).
Dupa ce aparatul a piuit, eliberam cu grija supapa de presiune*, deschidem capacul si adaugam bulionul, borsul si taitei/paste* daca folosim, si, fara sa punem capacul, apasam pe functia Brown/Saute si lasam ciorba sa fiarba vreo 2 clocote, pana taiteii sau pastele sunt gata. SAU 5 min pe Soup iar. Pofta mare!
- De obicei folosesc aripi de pui, acum am pus 1 pachet de tacamuri de pui, e foarte ieftin si iese foarte gustoasa ciorba de la oasele si pielea fierte, #colagen :) Eventual puteti fierbe si 2 copanele daca doriti mai multa carne in ciorba.
- Omiteti cartoful si pastele pentru varianta Low carb
- In cazul mancarurilor cu mult lichid ca supe si ciorbe, e recomandat sa lasati aparatul sa elibereze presiunea in mod natural cam 20 de min, adica sa nu ii faceti nimic :)
I usually make once a week a soup or Romanian sour soup, we like the second better :) And so that I don’t get to be stuck near the stove, I use my Crock Pot Express pressure cooker :) You will say: hey, but what’s wrong with cooking on the stove? Ehh, I tell you: pressure cooking makes EVERYTHING more tasty and quicker, because it keeps and the juices and flavors. You cannot imagine the stuffed peppers or stuffed cabbage rolls I make in this wonderful device :) SO, there is my favorite fail proof chicken sour soup recipe, I always make it and we love it :)
- 1 package of chicken meat with bones and skin*
- 2 carrots
- 1 celeriac small piece
- 1 parsnip
- 1 potato* (optional)
- 1 bell pepper
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 large onion
- 1 tbsp soup spice mix
- 1 L bran
- noodles/pasta* (optional)
- sour cream, parsley, hot peppers for serving
Put the chicken meat*, 2L of water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Put the lid, rotate it to Closed sign and make sure the pressure valve is also closed. Set the multicooker on Poultry (High pressure for 15 min).
In the meantime chop the veggies (skip the potato for low carb option). After the beep of the device, carefully open the pressure valve* with a spatula and open the lid.
Strain the soup and put the liquid back into the multi cooker pot. Add the diced veggies, 1 tbsp of soup spice mix (glutamat free) and the meat you picked of the bones. Set the multicooker on 17 min, Soup program (High Pressure).
After the beep release the valve*, add the tomato paste, bran and pasta, if you use. Set the device on Brown Saute and let it boil a little, without the lid, until the pasta is done. OR 5 more min on Soup. Enjoy!
- I usually put chicken wings, but this time I put meat, bones and skin from chicken’s back and neck, it is very tasty like this, #colagen :) You can eventually boil 2 extra chicken legs, if you want more meat in the soup.
- Skip the potato and pasta for low carb option
- When cooking foods with lots of liquid, it is recommended you let the multi cooker release pressure naturally for 20 min, that means leaving it just like that :)