Clafoutis low carb cu cirese. In ultima vreme sunt innebunita dupa fructe si deserturi cu fructe de sezon, e si normal, vara fiind, nu? :) Azi am facut o varianta low carb a celebrului Clafoutis, o budinca usoara, cu consistenta de sufleu-clatita si avand in compozitie fructe de sezon. O puteti face cu orice fructe doriti: cirese, visine, caise, zmeura, capsuni, afine and so on :)
Ingrediente (8 portii):
- 400g cirese
- 5 oua
- 80g eritritol (rasnit fin)
- 20 pic Green Sugar caramel
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 3 lg faina de cocos
- 200ml lapte (de migdale)
- 1 lg unt (pt unsa tava)
Spalam ciresele, le scoatem samburii si le asezam frumos intr-o tava rotunda de tarta unsa cu unt. A mea are 22 cm si e de la Ikea, luata mai acum multi ani.
Batem ouale cu indulcitorii, vanilia si un praf de sare, apoi adaugam treptat laptele si faina. Cam ca la clatite, compozitia e foarte fluida, dar asa trebuie sa fie :)
Turnam compozitia peste cirese si coacem prajitura aprox 30 de min la 180 de grade, pana e putin elastica si pufoasa la atingere. Dupa ce s-a racit o pudram cu indulcitor, o feliem si o servim. Super simpla si buna. Pofta mare! :)
Ingredients (8 servings):
- 400 g cherries
- 5 eggs
- 80 g erythritol
- 20 drops Caramel liquid stevia
- 3 tbsp coconut flour
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 200 ml milk (almond)
- 1 tbsp butter
Wash the cherries, pit them and arrange them on a tart pan that’s been greased with butter. Mine has 22 cm diameter, I got it from Ikea several years ago.
Beat the eggs with the sweeteners, vanilla and a pinch of salt, then gradually add the milk and coconut flour. Like when you’re making pancakes :)
Pour the mixture over the cherries and bake the cake for about 30 min at 180 degrees C, until firm and elastic to the touch. Let the cake cool down a little, then dust with powdered sweetener, slice and enjoy!