Covrigei fragezi de casa cu chimen imi facea bunica atunci cand eram mica si mi se pareau cel mai bun lucru de rontait din lume! :) Asa c am cautat si eu o forma din aceasta (de aici am luat-o) si am facut o rontaiala care da dependenta. Aveti aici si varianta keto a retetei, ca asa sunt eu, draguta si ma gandesc la toata lumea :D

Ingrediente (2 tavi mari):

  • 400g faina
  • 200g unt
  • 200 smantana
  • 170g telemea*
  • 1 lg sare*
  • 3 lg apa rece (45ml)
  • seminte de chimen, mac, susan
  • 2 galbenusuri pt uns

Punem in bolul mixerului (cu carligul pentru aluat) untul rece taiat cubulete, faina, smantana, telemeaua faramitata bine cu furculita, sarea. Pornim mixerul si framantam, adaugam 3 linguri de apa rece si framantam pana compozitia se leaga.

O transferam pe o suprafata presarata cu faina si o intindem cu sucitorul intr-un strat potrivit. Decupam covrigeii, ii transferam pe tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, ii ungem cu galbenus si presaram semintele.

Coacem covrigeii cam 25-30 min la 180C, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele minute, pana se rumenesc frumos de tot. Mi-au iesit 2 tavi mari. Rontaiala placuta! :) Covrigei fragezi de casa.

*Pentru copii omiteti sarea si folositi telemea desarata.


My grandma used to make these carraway tender pretzels and I thought they were the most delicious snack in the world! So I looked for a special cutter and made this addictive recipe. You have the keto recipe here, because that’s me, I am so nice and thinking about everyone :D

Ingredients (2 large trays):

  • 400 g flour
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 170g fresh cheese*
  • 1 tbsp salt*
  • 3 tbsp cold water (45ml)
  • carraway, sesame, poppy seeds
  • 2 egg yolks for the topping

Put the following ingredients in the mixer bowl (hook attachment): cold butter cut into cubes, flour, sour cream, cheese (mashed with a fork), salt. Start the mixer and knead, add 3 tablespoons of water and knead until a ball of dough forms.

Transfer on a surface sprinkled with flour and roll with a rolling pin in a medium thick layer. Cut out the pretzels, transfer them on a large tray lined with baking paper, brush with egg yolk and sprinkle the seeds over them, as desired.

Bake the pretzels for about 25-30 min at 180C, with the ventilation on in the last minutes, until golden and cripsy enough. I got 2 large trays. Enjoy!

*For babies and small children skip the salt and use desalted cheese.

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