Stiu, stiu ce veti zice, a trecut sezonul visinelor, dar ce sa fac daca am trecut pe langa raionul de congelate si am salivat la o punga mare cu visine? :)) Voi salvati reteta pentru mai tarziu, mie Mi s-a facut super pofta, si cu gandul la un tort Padurea Neagra pe care il am in plan, am facut si o portie mica de dulceata de visine fara zahar. Siropul e mai fluid, e ceva intre compot si dulceata, dar e foarte buna, am mancat o felie de paine prajita cu unt si aceasta dulceata si a fost o bunatate! :)
- 500g visine (proaspete sau congelate)
- 100g Green Sugar
- 1/2 lgt extract de vanilie
- 2 lg seminte de chia macinate
Scoatem samburii visinelor si le punem pe foc cu 150ml de apa. Adaugam si indulcitorul si vanilia si tinem la foc mic totul timp de aprox 15 min, pana siropul scade putin.
Adaugam apoi semintele de chia macinate (le puteti folosi si intregi, dar se vor vedea in sirop) si inchidem focul. Eu am pastrat mai multa zeama si pentru insiropat tortul :)) Turnam dulceata obtinuta intr-un borcanas si il depozitam in frigider. Pofta mare!
*Reteta inspirata de aici.
I know, I know, sour cherry season is long gone, but I passed by the frozen food area at the store and when I saw this bag of frozen sour cherries I was literally drooling over the freezer window :)))) You can save or Pin the recipe for later :) The syrup is more fluid, this recipe is actually a combination between preserve and compote, but it’s just SO good on toast with butter, mmmmm :)
- 500 g sour cherries (fresh or frozen)
- 100 g Green Sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp ground chia seeds
Pit the sour cherries and put them in a saucepan with 150ml of water, cook over medium heat. Add the sweetener and vanilla and simmer for about 15 min, until the juice reduces.
Add the ground chia seeds (you can use them without grinding, but they will be more visible in the syrup) and remove from the stove. I kept some of the juice for a Black Forest cake :)) Pour in a jar and store in the fridge. Enjoy!