Fursecuri keto cu crema de branza. Am pentru voi cea mai draguta reteta de fursecuri keto cu crema de branza si glazura, all sugar & gluten free :) Aluatul se face foarte usor, e maleabil, fursecurile sunt fragede de se topesc in gura si vor arata super bine sub brad, asteptandu-l pe Mosu :)

Ingrediente (28 buc):

  • 110g unt
  • 70g eritritol
  • 60g crema de branza
  • 1 ou
  • 120g faina de migdale
  • 30g faina de cocos
  • coaja rasa de la 1/2 lamaie
  • 1/4 lgt pudra de vanilie
  • 1/2 lgt guma xantan
  • glazura: 100g indulcitor pudra, 2-3 lg lapte de cocos

Mixam untul la temperatura camerei cu eritritolul (desi am folosit granulat, e ideal sa fie pudra), adaugam apoi crema de branza, oul si mixam pana la omogenizare. Adaugam vanilia, coaja rasa de lamaie, faina de migdale, faina de cocos si guma xanthan (optionala, pt elasticitate).

Mixam bine, apoi formam o bila de aluat pe care o introducem la rece, fie in frigider 2-3 ore, fie in congelator cam 20-30 de min. Intindem aluatul intre 2 folii alimentare (obligatoriu, altfel va fi ff lipicios) intr-un strat potrivit ca grosime si decupam formele. E bine sa tavaliti forma de decupat prin faina de cocos, pentru a nu se lipi de aluat.

Transferam fursecurile pe tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le coacem 15-maxim 17 min la 170C, pana se rumenesc fff putin pe margini. Pt glazura amestecam indulcitorul pudra (rasnit fin) cu 2 linguri de lapte de cocos (am pus chiar 2 linguri si jumatate), pana obtinem consistenta dorita a glazurii.

Transferam glazura intr-un pos cu varf f mic si decoram fursecurile racite. Aceasta cantitate de glazura mi-a fost suficienta pentru jumatate din fursecuri, deci daca vreti sa le decorati pe toate, dublati cantitatile. Pofta mare! :)

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*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


I’ve got the cutest keto cookie recipe for you: keto cream cheese cookies with sugar free icing, all sugar & gluten free :) The dough is super easy to make, easy to mold, the cookies are so tender, they melt in your mouth and I am sure they will look great under the Christmas tree, waiting for Santa :)

Ingredients (28 pcs):

  • 110 g butter
  • 70 g erythritol
  • 60 g cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 120 g almond flour
  • 30 g coconut flour
  • grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan
  • Icing: 100g powdered sweetener, 2-3 tbsp coconut milk

Mix the softened butter (at room temperature) with the sweetener (I used granulated, but it’s best to use powdered), then add the cream cheese, egg and mix well.

Add the vanilla, lemon zest, almond flour, coconut flour and xanthan (optional, for elasticity). Mix well, then form a ball of dough and chill for 2-3 hours in the fridge or 20-30 min in the freezer. Roll the dough between 2 pieces of cling film (otherwise it will be too sticky) in a medium thick layer and cut out the cookies. It’s good to coat the cutting tool well in coconut flour, not to stick to the dough.

Transfer the cookies on a tray lined with baking paper and bake them for 15 – maximum 17 min at 170C, until they turn just a little golden brown on the edges. For the icing mix the powdered sweetener with coconut milk, I used 2 tablespoons and a half until you reach the desired consistency.

Transfer the icing in a piping bag and decorate the cookies, this quantity was enough for half of my cookies, so if you want to decorate them all, double the quantity. Enjoy!

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