Va spuneam ca recent m-am indragostit de rubarba, mi se pare un fruct genial, acrisor si ideal pentru multe deserturi de vara :) Eu de la Lidl il iau, pentru ca ma intreaba multe lume. Dupa prajitura cu branza si rubarba am zis ca e momentul sa fac si un gem de rubarba si fructe de padure :) A iesit foarte bun, dulce acrisor, foarte asemanator la gust cu cel de visine/corcoduse doar ca acesta e low carb! Iar cantitatile sunt foarte usor de dublat. (3 borcane mici – aprox 18 portii a cate 15 cal si 2g net carbs)
- 350g rubarba
- 350g fructe de padure (afine, zmeura)
- 150g eritritol rasnit fin
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 pliculet de gelatina (10g)
Spalam rubarba, ii taiem capetele si o tocam feliute de aprox 2 cm grosime. O punem intr-o craticioara nonaderenta impreuna cu fructele de padure (zmeura si afine am folosit), vanilia si indulcitorul (eu il rasnesc sa se dizolve repede) si vreo 2-3 linguri de apa.
Tinem pe foc amestecul amestecand constant pana fierbe, apoi il lasam la fiert la foc mic timp de aprox 20min, pana scade zeama. Nu e nevoie sa fie pasat, fructele se inmoaie suficient, dar o puteti face daca doriti.
Lasam gemul la racit (sa scada tempratura sub 60C, daca aveti termometru de bucatarie), adaugam apoi gelatina (dizolvata in 3 lg de apa rece), amestecam si turnam gemul in borcane, mi-au iesit 3 borcanase de 250-300ml. Pofta mare!
I was just telling you that I am so in love with rhubarb, it’s such an amazing fruit, sour and perfect for summers desserts :) I made this super delicious berry rhubarb jam, so sweet and sour, tastes kinda like sour cherries, only this one is low carb, yeeei! And the quantities are super easy to double (3 tiny jars – approx 18 servings of 15 cal and 2g net carbs each).
- 350 g rhubarb
- 350 g berries (blueberries, raspberries )
- 150 g finely ground erythritol
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 sachet of gelatin (10g)
Wash the rhubarb, trim the ends and chop it into 2cm thick slices. Place in a nonstick large pan with the berries (I used blueberries and raspberries), vanilla, sweetener (ground into powder, to dissolve quicker) and 2-3 tbsp of water.
Mix and stir, when it reaches boiling point, simmer over low heat for about 20 min, until the juice reduces. Let it cool down (until it reaches under 60C if you have a kitchen thermometer). There is no need to blend the jam, the fruits softened enough, but you can do it if you want to. Add the gelatin dissolved in a little cold water, mix and pour into jars. I got 3 tiny 250-300ml jars. Enjoy!