O inghetata super simpla din practic 3 ingrediente, gustoasa, racoritoare, cremoasa, fara zahar, fara gluten, keto, low carb, fara Euri, numai de bine :D Inghetata de zmeura si mascarpone. Ah, si nu va trebuie masina de inghetata, branza mascarpone e suficient de grasa pentru a face inghetata cremoasa, fara ace de gheata. Yei! :)
Ingrediente (2-3 portii):
- 250g mascarpone
- 200g zmeura (congelata)
- 3-4 lg Green Sugar (sau indulcitorul preferat, dupa gust)
- 1 lgt xtract de vanilie
Procedam astfel: mixam in blender 150g de zmeura cu mascarpone, vanilie si indulcitor pana obtinem o crema fina. Adaugam si restul de zmeura, mie asa imi place, sa gasesc bucatele de fructe in inghetata :)
Turnam compozitia intr-un recipient si congelam inghetata pana e suficient de ferma, 2-3 ore in functie de congelator. Se vede din poze ce consistenta superba are :) Cantitatile se pot dubla, tripa etc extrem de usor, eu am facut doar o transa mica, de test si de pofta :) Enjoy!
Galerie foto
A super simple ice cream made only from 3 ingredients, tasty, creamy, gluten free, keto, low carb, only great things about it :D Mascarpone raspberry ice cream. Oh, and you don;t need an ice cream maker, the fat in the mascarpone makes it perfect and smoothy, without ice crystals. Yei! :)
Ingredients (2-3 servings):
- 250 g mascarpone
- 200 g raspberries
- 3-4 tbsp erythritol (or favorite sweetener, to taste)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
I used frozen raspberries. Blend 150 g of the raspberries with the mascarpone, vanilla and sweetener until smooth.Then fold in the rest of the raspberries, I like to find fruit pieces in the ice cream :)
Pour the cream in a dish and freeze until hard enough to scoop, for about 2-3 hours, depending on the freezer. you can see the beautiful consistency from the pictures :) The quantities are super easy to double, triple etc, I made just a small batch to test :) Enjoy!
Se poate folosi zmeură proaspătă?
Buna Nicoleta, sigur. Pupici!