Inghetata proteica cu fructe de padure. A venit vara oficial! Este atat de cald si minunat afara, ador acest anotimp, chiar daca sunt nascuta iarna :)) Si pentru ca „long time, no ice cream”, azi am facut o reteta noua de inghetata, pentru ca aveam mai multa pudra proteica de la Secretele Ramonei, am facut o inghetata proteica cu fructe de padure, care a iesit dementiala :) Nici nu am avut rabdare sa inghete complet ca sa fac pozele :))
- 200g pudra proteica (cu capsuni)
- 250g fructe de padure (capsuni +zmeura)
- 200ml smantana lichida, neindulcita
- 300ml lapte de cocos
- 200g crema de branza
- 100g eritritol (sau indulcitorul preferat)
- 1 lgt guma xantan
- 2 lg rom
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 3 lg ulei de cocos
Punem intr-un bol mare toate ingredientele: fructele de padure (am avut capsuni si zmeura, dar voi puteti folosi orice fructe de padure si ce combinatii va plac :), laptele de cocos si smantana lichida neindulcita (puteti varia proportiile, trebuie doar sa aveti 500ml lichid) si indulcitorul.
Adaugam pudra proteica (folosesc din aceasta cu aroma de capsuni, de la Secretele Ramonei), crema de branza, vanilia, romul, guma xantan, uleiul de cocos si amestecam. Alcoolul din rom si grasimile din uleiul de cocos vor face inghetata cremoasa :) Pasam totul cu blenderul vertical pana la omogenizare. Turnam crema obtinuta intr-o caserola pe care o introducem in congelator.
Sau se poate turna direct in forme de inghetata, eu prefer aceasta varianta pentru ca e mai usor de scos cate o inghetata :)) Din aceste cantitati mi-au iesit: o caserola maricica (20*15cm) si 4 inghetate pe bat. Racoreala placuta!
Summer’s finally here! It’s so hot outside, I Love this season, even if I am born in the winter, haha :)) And because „long time, no ice cream”, today I tried a new ice cream recipe, because I had a lot of protein powder: protein berry ice cream, super yummy and delicious, I couldn’t wait for it to freeze more to take the photos :))
- 200 g strawberry flavored protein powder
- 250 g berries (strawberries+raspberries)
- 200 ml heavy cream, unsweetened
- 300 ml coconut milk
- 200 g cream cheese
- 100 g eythritol (or favorite sweetener)
- 1 tsp xanthan gum
- 2 tbsp rum
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
Put in a large bowl all of the ingredients: berries (I used strawberries and raspberries, but you can use your favorite berries or combinations), coconut milk and heavy cream (you can change the ratio, but it’s essential to have a total of 500 ml liquid) and the sweetener.
Ad the protein powder (I used strawberry flavored powder), cream cheese, vanilla, rum, xantan, coconut oil and mix well. The alcohol from the rum and fats in the coconut oil will make the ice cream rich and creamy :) Blend everything until smooth, then pour in a dish and place in the freezer to set.
Or you can pour this into ice cream molds, I prefer that, it’s so much easier to pop out one serving :)) These quantities make a pretty large ice cream pan (20*15 cm) and 4 lollies :) Happy chilling!