Iata ca am revenit si cu niste retete noi baby friendly, pentru ca suntem deja la a doua luna de diversificare cu bebe Teo si tot caut idei pentru mesele ei :) Aceasta mamaliga cremoasa cu ou e super super buna si hranitoare, se face foarte repede, deci e perfecta pentru un pranz rapid, pentru zilele in care ii dau ou la pranz in loc de carne :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 250ml apa
- 3 lg malai (30g)
- 1 ou
- 2 lg iaurt/smantana
- 1 cub mic de unt
- 2-3 lg branzica de vaci (pentru servire, optional, reteta aici)
Fierbem oul tare, eu il fierb 8 minute pentru a avea galbenusul tare. Punem cei 250ml de apa la fiert, cand a inceput sa fiarba adaugam malaiul si amestecam constant pe foc 4-5 minute, pana obtinem o mamaliga moale :)
In mamaliga adaugam oul fiert decojit, untul, iaurtul/smantana si amestecam bine tot, mie imi place sa fac asta la blender, pentru a iesi mega cremoasa, dar acum am pasat cu telul si cu ustensila de piure :))
Ies 2 portii (un castronel zdravan) si mi se par prea mici cantitatile sa le injumatatesc pentru atat de putina mamaliga :)) Dar puteti manca si voi, moms, alaturi de pitici, doar adaugati sare in portia pentru adult si e excelenta :) Servim cu branzica de vaci de casa, aka branzica bebelusului :) Eu nu am apucat sa fac si am servit cu iaurt. Pofta mare, pitici!
*Reteta inspirata de aici, un cont fain de Insta cu retete baby friendly :)
I a back with new baby friendly recipe, we are in our second month of introducing solids to Teo :) This baby friendly creamy polenta with egg is soooo yummy and nutritious, super fast to make for those 2-3 days I don’t give her meat for lunch :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 250 ml water
- 3 tbsp cornmeal (30 g)
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp yogurt / sour cream
- 1 small cube of butter
- 2-3 tbsp cottage cheese (for serving, optional, recipe here)
Boil the egg for 8 minutes. Put the 250 ml of water in a pot, bring to a boil, then add the polenta and simmer 4-5 min, constantly stirring until you get a fluid polenta :)
In the polenta add the peeled boiled egg, yogurt/sour cream and mix well, I like to blend this, for a super smooth consistency, but now I used a potato masher tool and whisk :))
These quantities make 2 portions (1 pretty large bowl), but I thought cutting them in half would bee to complicate to make, for such a small amount of polenta :) But you moms can eat half of this, too, just add salt :) Serve with homemade cottage cheese, I didn’t have any so I served this with extra yogurt. Enjoy, little ones!