Daca ieri am facut pentru prima data oua turcesti si m-am indragostit de ele, azi am facut ceva dulce tot cu oua, si anume omleta dulce. E ca o mare si pufoasa clatita fara faina, dar pentru fanii oua e aur :)) EU am mancat-o cu fructe si crema de ciocolata fara zahar si dulceata de visine, dar merge cu absolut orice topping de clatite preferati :)
Ingrediente (1 portie):
- 2 oua
- 2 lg iaurt grecesc
- 1 lg Green Sugar pudra
- 1/4 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lg unt
- fructe proaspete
- crema de ciocolata fara zahar
- dulceata fara zahar
Batem albusurile spuma, separat batem galbenusurile cu indulcitorul, iaurtul si vanilia. Incorporam amestecul acesta in cel de albusuri.
Incingem untul intr-o tigaie intinsa si turnam compozitia, o nivelam frumos. O coacem pana face bule si se incheaga pe margini, insa trebuie intoarsa cu mare grija pentru ca e fragila, eu am folosit alta tigaie :)
Daca nu vreti sa fie atat de fragila, bateti ouale intregi si nu va mai fi atat de fragila, dar nici pufoasa :) Insa, either way, e foarte gustoasa, asa ca procedati cum doriti.
O gatim si pe partea cealalta, apoi o mai gatim inca aprox 1 min. O impaturim pe jumatate si o servim calda cu toppingul preferat, the sky is the limit :) Pofta mare!
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.
If yesterday I made Turkish eggs for the first time and fell in love with them, today I made another egg based recipe, sweet omelette. It’s like a large and fluffy pancake, but without flour, it’s gold for egg lovers :)) I ate mine with fruit, sugar free Nutella and preserve, but it goes well with your favorite pancake topping :)
Ingredients (1 serving):
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp Greek yogurt
- 1 tbsp powdered Green Sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp butter
- fresh fruit
- sugar free Nutella
- sugar free preserve
Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, separately beat the egg yolks, sweetener, yogurt and vanilla. Fold this in into the egg whites. Heat the butter in a pancake pan and pour the mixture, level evenyl.
Cook othuntil bubbly on the surface, then really carefully flip, I used another pan :) If you don’t want it this fragile, beat the whole eggs and it will not be so hard to flip, but also not so fluffy :)
But, either way, it’s very tasty, so proceed as you wish. Flip and cook on the other side for about 1 more min, then fold in half and serve with your desired topping, the sky is the limit :) Enjoy!