O reteta inedita de Paste, fara zahar, fara gluten si cu continut scazut de carbohidrati, facuta la invitatia NoSugarShop si OaleSiTigai :) Pasca fara aluat in doua culori. Un desert fin si de efect care va indulci masa de Paste intr-un mod sanatos, si se face foarte usor, aveti nevoie doar de un tel sau mixer :) Daca vreti sa ma sustineti in aceasta campanie, orice apreciere, like postarilor aferente de pe Facebook si Instagram ma vor ajuta :)


Mixam ouale cu indulcitorul, eu il rasnesc inainte pentru a se dizolva complet mai repede :) Adaugam branza de vaci, smantana, romul, vanilia, coaja rasa de lamaie. Omogenizam bine, apoi adaugam si Ketomixul pentru cozonac, care e bun la mai multe, nu doar la cozonac :)

Mixam bine, apoi impartim compozitia in 2, intr-un bol vom adauga cacao FitFood, care are o culoare foarte intensa si e aromata, avand continut redus de grasimi.

Ungem cu ulei si tapetam o tava rotunda (23cm diametru, baza detasabila) cu hartie de copt si incepem si punem cate 2 polonice din fiecare compozitie in centru, alternativ, pana terminam aluaturile. Apoi facem niste liniute cu o frigaruie, pentru a obtine efectul vizual din imagine :)

Coacem aceasta pasca fara aluat aprox 1 ora in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, pana centrul ma tremura doar foarte putin. O lasam sa se raceasca de tot, apoi o scoatem din forma si o tinem la rece pana inainte de servire. Poate fi pudrata cu indulcitor, eu am presarat cativa fulgi de migdale si am decorat cu zmeura :) Sper sa va fie de folos reteta pentru masa de Paste. Pofta mare!

Va recomand sa incercati si retetele de cozonac keto cu ciocolata, acest cheesecake keto sau acest cheesecake japonez pufos, sunt dementiale! :) *Reteta inspirata de aici.


A yummy Easter recipe that is sugar free, gluten free and low carb, that will really impress your guests :) It will be the perfect healthy Easter dessert and it’s so easy to make, you just need a whisk or a mixer :) If you want me to win this contents, please support me by liking these Facebook and Instagram posts :)


  • 1 kg full fat cottage cheese
  • 7 eggs
  • 200 g eritritol
  • 300 ml heavy cream
  • 100 g Ketomix sweet bread mix
  • 2 tbsp dark cocoa
  • 3 tbsp rum (or 2 tsp rum essence)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • grated zest of 1 lemon
  • almond flakes and fruit for the topping

Beat the egg and sweetener (I grind mine to make it easier to dissolve) add the cottage cheese, heavy cream, rum, vanilla, lemon zest. Mix a little more, then add the Ketomix sweet bread mix (it’s great for more things, not only sweet bread :)

Divide the mixture in 2, in one half add the cocoa (FitFood dark cocoa is very intense and full of flavor, but also low fat) Grease with oil and line a springform pan (23 cm diameter) with baking paper then start 2 add equal amounts of the 2 batters, alternatively until you have usem them all. Using a skewer make lines to get the visual effect in the pictures :)

Bake this crustless cheesecake about 1 hour in the preheated oven at 170C, until the center is just very little jiggleish. Let it cool completely, then store in the fridge until serving. You can powder it with sweetener, I used some almond flakes and raspberries for the topping :) Enjoy!

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