Am pentru voi o reteta de placinta cu branza si foi de casa, de tip placinta dobrogeana, super gustoasa si savuroasa :) E si o metoda de a folosi ce resturi de branzeturi aveti prin frigider pentru umplutura, eu de exemplu am „scapat” de niste telemea si halloumi :)) #DeNearuncat. DEMENTIALA a iesit, nici nu am avut rabdare sa se raceasca, am taiat-o si mancat-o fierbinte :)
- 600g faina
- 100ml ulei
- 100ml apa
- 2 oua
- 1 lg otet
- 1 lgt sare*
- 400g telemea
- 200g cascaval sau mozzarella
- 6 oua
- 200g smantana (optional, pt topping)
Pentru foi amestecam bine toate ingredientele si framantam aluatul pana e fin, elastic si maleabil. Il impartim in 4 bucati, le pulverizam cu ulei si le lasam la temperatura camerei pana pregatim umplutura.
Dam pe razatoare branzeturile, eu am avut 200g telemea si 200g halloumi, plus resturi de mozzarela si cascaval de la pizza :) Le amestecam cu 5 oua, pastram 1 ou pentru topping. Intindem fiecare bucata de aluat intr-un dreptunghi si punem cate un sfert din compozitie.
Rulam fiecare bucata de aluat sub forma de cilindru si formam un melc din cele 4 transe. Daca mai ramane compozitie, cum mi-a ramas mie, o presaram pe deasupra si ungem totul cu ou batut. Folositi o tava cu peretii inalti, a mea a fost una de tarta nu f inalta si a mai curs din tava :(
Puteti adauga 200g de smantana deasupra, eu nu am mai pus, tava fiind scunda oricum mi-a curs :)) Coacem placinta cam 1 ora la 180C pana e rumena si frumoasa. Pentru varianta baby friendly omiteti sarea si folositi branzeturi desarate. Pofta mare!
I’ve got a delicious homemade savory cheese pie recipe for you :) It’s a great way to use your leftover cheese types for the filling, I, for example, got rid of some cheese and Halloumi :)
Pastry sheets:
- 600 g flour
- 100 ml oil
- 100 ml water
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp vinegar
- 1 tsp salt*
- 400g fresh cheese
- 200g cheese or mozzarella
- 6 eggs
- 200g sour cream (optional, for the topping)
For the pie pastry combine all the ingredients and knead the dough until smooth and elastic. Divide in 4, roll into 4 balls, spray them with oil and let them sit at room temperature until you prepare the filling.
Grate the cheeses, I had 300g regular cheese and 300g Halloumi, plus some leftover mozzarella from pizza :) Mix them with the 5 eggs, save 1 for the topping. Roll each dough piece into a rectangle and place a quarter of the filling over it.
Roll the dough into a cylinder and make a spiral using the 4 cylinders. If you have leftover filling, pour on top and grease everything with beaten egg. Use a tray with high sides, mine was small and it leaked :( You can add 200g sour cream on top, I didn’t because anyway the pie was too high :)) Bake for about 1 hour at 180C until lovely golden brown. For baby friendly version skip the salt and use desalted cheese. Enjoy!