A venit vara, sezonul salatelor muulte multe si bogate, e minunat sa profiti de atatea fructe, legume si verdeturi proaspete de sezon, nu? :) Daca va gandeati sa va achizitionati un uscator de salata, dar vi se pare ca nu merita, think again, vreau sa va arat cat de versatil este, eu i-am descoperit chiar 9 utilizari! :)

  • salate si verdeturi – prima si cea mai cunoscuta utilizare, perfecta pentru orice salata la punga, spanac, salata verde, ruccola and so on. Frunzele sunt perfect spalate si zvantate cu ajutorul uscatorului de salata, la o simpla apasare de buton
  • germeni si vlastari – foarte greu de curatat dar si fragili, se spala si se scurg excelent la uscatorul de salata, fara a fi rupti
  • paste fierte – trebuie doar sa scurgi apa fierbinte si sa le clatesti putin cu apa rece, pentru a NU topi sita de plastic, dar apoi le poti zvanta fara probleme in uscatorul de salata :)
  • legume si leguminoase conservate – porumb, fasole, naut and so on, se scurg excelent
  • fructe de padure – sunt foarte delicate si pot fi strivite spalate sub jet de apa. Pune-le in strecuratoarea uscatorului, adaugati apa si strecuratoarea in bolul mare, lasa-le 5 min, apoi scurge apa si roteste uscatorul cu ajutorul butonului o singura data, si nu apasa prea tare :)
  • broccoli, conopida, praz – acestea pot avea mizerii prin locuri mici si ascunse, asa ca: taiat-le bucati potrivite, spalati-le bine sub jet de apa in strecuratoarea uscatorului, apoi rotiti-le in dispozitiv si ta daaa, so fresh so clean :)
  • cartofi pai – pentru a obtine cartofi prajiti crocanti, trebuie tamponati bine cu un servet pentru a inlatura excesul de apa. Ei bine, acest lucru se poate face si mai simplu cu ajutorul uscatorului de salata, dap :) Gasesti reteta de cartofi prajiti la friteuza cu aer cald aici
  • dospire aluat – bolul mare si transparent poate fi folosit pentru a vedea cu ochii tai cum si cat de repede creste aluatul de paine, pizza, cozonac :)
  • servire salata – bolul mare si transparent din plastic fara BPA e foarte elegant si puteti servi salata direct in el pentru o armata :))

Uscatorul OXO

  • E compus din: bol mare, sita si capac cu un mecanism patentat de pompare.
  • Sita si capacul sunt detasabile, pentru a putea servi salata chiar in bolul uscatorului, incape o salata HUGE in el :)
  • Este confectionat din plastic fara BPA
  • Baza anti-alunecare ofera stabilitate in timpul utilizarii, iar peretii transparenti iti permit sa vezi intregul proces, astfel incat sa iti dai seama cand salata e complet uscata
  • Butonul „dispare” in capac printr-un mecanism simplu de ascundere, tragand de clapa cea mica si neagra; castigati asadar spatiu

Daca v-am convins ca nu ocupa spatiul degeaba in bucatarie un astfel de uscator de salata, am o veste si mai buna: la KitchenShop in luna iunie, uscatorul de salata OXO este produsul lunii si are o super reducere de 35% pentru membrii KitchenShop! Descopera AICI promotia. (P.S. – nu te costa nimic sa devii membru si dureaza fix 5 minute :)

Iata si o analiza comparativa a 8 modele de uscatoare de salata, care il desemneaza pe cel de la OXO castigator:


Summer is here, the season of oh so many fresh fruit, vegetables and salads, it’s really a pity not to take advantage of what nature has to offer, right? :) So if you were thinking of getting a salad spinner but were not sure it’s worth it, think again, I will show you how versatile this device is, I actually discovered 9 uses of a salad spinner! :)

  • salads and herbs – the first and most common use, perfect for any salad in a bag, spinach, lettuce, arugula and so on. All the leaves are perfectly well rinsed and drained with a simple touch of a button.
  • sprouts – very hard to wash and also fragile, they are super easily cleaned in the salad spinner, without being torn
  • boiled pasta – you just need to drain the hot water and give them a rinse in cold water, to that they don’t melt the strainer, then you can easily drain them in the salad spinner, ONLY after they are cooled
  • canned veggies and legumes – corn, beans, chickpeas and so on
  • berries – they are very delicate and can be squashed under high pressure running water. Just add the in the sieve, add the water, let them soak 5 min in the spinner bowl, then drain the water and gently spin them with one press of the button.
  • broccoli, cauliflower leek – these veggies can have a lot of hidden dirt, so cut them into medium chunks, wash them well and give them a good spin in the salad, spinner, ta daaa, so fresh so clean :)
  • fries – to get crispy fried, you need to pat them dry to remove excess water. Well, you can do that also with a salad spinner, yep :) You can find my perfect Airfryer French fries recipe here.
  • dough rising – the huge transparent bowl can be used when letting dough rise, you are able to watch it rise for yourself when making any dough: pizza, bread, sweet bread… :)
  • salad servings – the huge transparent non BPA plastic bowl is very elegant and you can serve enough salad inside it to feed an army :))

OXO salad spinner

  • It’s made up of: large bowl, sieve and the lid with a patented pumping mechanism.
  • The sieve and lid are detachable, so you able to serve the salad right inside the bowl and it fit s a HUGE salad, perfect for garden parties :)
  • It’s made from non BPA plastic
  • The non slip base makes the bowl stable during use and the transparent walls allow you to see the whole process and how much water has been drained
  • The pump button „disappears” in the lid with a simple press of a small black lock; so you win more space on the counter or on the shelf where you store it.

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