Cartofi prajiti la Airfryer. Am luat Airfryerul cand Ilinca era foarte micuta, tocmai in ideea ca ea sa poata manca chestii „prajite” fara prajeala, adica mai sanatoase, in opinia mea. Apoi am descoperit ca pot praji la el carnati de casa si sa iasa super gustosi, fara sa stropesti tot in jur. Inca o bila alba :) Am mai facut la el: chiftelute, copanele, fish fingers (facuti in casa sau cumparati, cei de la Frosta ne plac, de exemplu), snitele, legume diverse taiate bastonase. Vezi AICI pagina special dedicata Airfryerului. Per total mi se pare o investitie buna pentru cine vrea o prajeala gustoasa fara prajeala, asa ca zic ca merita sa il panditi la Black Friday :) Bineinteles ca cel mai des lucru gatit la el sunt Cartofii prajiti la Airfryer :)) Iata cum ii fac eu:
- 8 cartofi medii/micuti
- 2 lg ulei de masline
- 1 lgt sare
- 1 praf de piper
- 1/2 lgt boia/pudra de usturoi (optional)
Decojim cartofii, ii taiem bastonase dupa preferinte, mie imi plac subtirei :) Ii punem intr-un bol cu apa si ii lasam acolo 10-15 min. In acest fel se va elimina din amidonul lor si vor deveni crocanti :)
II scurgem de apa si ii tamponam bine cu servetel de bucatarie. In bolul lor adaugam uleiul, sarea si piperul si ii mozolim bine, astfel incat sa fie acoperiti uniform.
Preincalzim Airfryerul la 200C, apoi punem jumatate din cartofii pai in cuva cu gratar, astfel incat sa fie plina ca in imagine, cam pe jumatate, maxim 2/3, NU plina pana la refuz :)
Prajim cartofii cam 25-30 de min, in functie de grosimea cartofilor, pana sunt cat de rumeniti va plac. In acest timp scuturam cuva de vreo 3 ori, astfel incat sa fie prajiti uniform. Acum ziceti drept, voua cu ce va plac cel mai mult: cu maioneza, ketchup sau mujdei? :) Pofta mare! Cartofi prajiti la Airfryer.
Baby friendly: omiteți sarea și folosiți piper cu măsură, fiind un condiment iritant gastric.
I bought the Airfryer when Ilinca was very young, just so that he can eat tasty fried” stuff, without the frying :) Then I discovered I can make the tastiest sausage, without the oil drops all over the place, that’s a huge plus :) I also make: meat balls, fish fingers (homemade or bought), chicken legs, schnitzels, veggies. All in all, I think it’s a good investment for someone who wants something „fried” and tasty, but healthy :) Of course I make french fries with it very often, here’s how I prepare them:
- 8 medium /small potatoes
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 pinch of pepper
- 1/2 tsp paprika/garlic powder (optional)
Peel the potatoes, cut the into fries as you like them, I prefer them very thin. Place them in a bowl with water enough to cover them and let them sit 10-15 min. That will remove some of the starch and make them crispy :)
Drain them and pat them dry with a kitchen towel. In their bowl add the oil, salt and pepper, mix them so they are coated well.
Preheat the Airfryer la 200C, then place half of the fries in the basket so that it’s about halfway full, maximum 2/3, don’t overload it.
Cook the fries for about 25-30 min, depending on how thin you cut them. Shake the basket about 2-3 times during this time, to be evenly crisp. How do you like your fries: with mayonnaise, ketchup pr garlic sauce? Enjoy!