O reteta pentru fanii somon si cartof dulce, dar si pentru pitici :) Chiftelute de somon si cartof dulce. Se fac foarte usor, repede, sunt minunate la pranz sau cina si usor de tinut in manute mici si dulci :) Nu mai zic ca sunt si hranitoare, ca asta se stie deja, da? :))

Ingrediente (14 buc):

  • 250g somon gatit*
  • 1 cartof dulce mic (350g)
  • 1/2 ceapa rosie
  • 3 catei de usturoi
  • 1 ou
  • 1 lg ulei de masline
  • 80g faina de migdale sau fulgi de ovaz rasniti
  • cateva fire de marar

Decojim cartoful dulce, il taiem cubulete si il fierbem pana intra usor furculita in el. Tocam mararul, ceapa, maruntim carnea de somon (*eu am folosit somon norvegian afumat de la Lidl, care imi place f mult, dar NU e indicat pt copii mici din cauza continutului ridicat de sare, asa ca folositi file de somon), pisam cateii de usturoi.

Pasam cartoful dulce fiert si amestecam bine bine toate ingredientele, apoi modelam 14 bilute, eu am folosit o lingura pt inghetata ca sa iasa egale :) Le aplatizam si le dam forma de chiftelute, le punem in tava de cuptor tapetata cu hartie de copt si pulverizam putin ulei deasupra.

Coacem chiftelutele aprox 30-35 min la 180C, pana se rumenesc frumos, in functie de cuptorul vostru. Eu pornesc si ventilatia in ultimele 10-15 min :) Sunt minunate cu salata si un sos de iaurt cu lamaie sau avocado. Pofta mare!

Poate va plac si aceste chiftelute de somon si conopida, iar mai multe retete cu peste gasiti aici :)


A recipe for salmon and sweet potato fans, but most of all, for kids :) Sweet potato salmon patties. They are so easy to make, fast, perfect for lunch or dinner and easy to hold in tiny sweet hands :) Not to mention nutritious, you already know that, ok? :))

Ingredients (14 pcs):

  • 250 g cooked salmon*
  • 1 small sweet potato (350g)
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 80 g almond flour or ground oatmeal
  • a few dill threads

Peel the sweet potato, cut into cubes and boil until soft. Chop the dill, onion, salmon meat (I used hot smoked Norwegian salmon from Lidl, but for small kids use fresh salmon this one has too much salt), mash the garlic cloves.

Mash the sweet potato with a fork and mix well all the ingredients. Mold 14 balls, I use an ice cream scoop to make them even:) And flatten them into patties, transfer on a tray lined with baking paper and spray a little oil over them.

Bake for about 30-35 min at 180C, until lovely golden, with the ventilation on in the last 10-15 min. They are delish with salad and a fresh sauce with yogurt, lemon, avocado, or something like that :) Enjoy!

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