Vine vara si pe mine m-a apucat nostalgia toamnei :)) Glumesc, aveam 2 dovleci de mult timp si, ca sa „scap” de ei, am zis sa pun de-o placinta cu aluat fraged, e „specialitatea casei” la noi, am tot facut-o in varianta cu mere, gutui, si iata ca a venit si timpul dovleacului :) Am servit aceasta placinta cu dovleac si aluat fraged cu un pumpkin spice latte, yummy!

Aluat fraged:

  • 200g unt
  • 450g faina + extra pt framantat
  • 100g indulcitor (eritritol)
  • 2 oua
  • 150g iaurt grecesc
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • 1 lingura de gris


  • 2 kg dovleac
  • 150g indulcitor (eritritol)
  • 2 lgt scortisoara
  • 2 lg indulcitor pudra pt topping
  • 1 galbenus

Pentru umplutura dam dovleacul pe razatoare si il calim cu indulcitorul si scortisoara intr-o tigaie non-aderenta timp de aprox 15 min, pana se inmoaie. Lasam amestecul la racit si ne abtinem sa nu il mancam, miroase superb :))

Aluatul fraged se prepara mixand (manual sau la mixerul cu bol) untul taiat cubulete, indulcitorul, ouale, iaurtul, faina si praful de copt. Framatam apoi putin manual aluatul pe o suprafata presarata cu faina, il impartim in 2 si rulam 2 foi dreptunghiulare cu facaletul.

Ungem o tava de aprox 25*35 cm cu putin unt (eu folosesc ambalajul de la pachetul de unt folosit :), o tapetam cu hartie de copt si punem in ea prima foaie de aluat. Presaram grisul, punem compozitia racita de dovleac, o nivelam frumos cu o spatula si punem si a 2a foaie de aluat.

O ungem cu galbenusul batut si o intepam cu furculita. Coacem placinta aprox 45 de min la 170C, pana se rumeneste frumos. O lasam sa se raceasca, apoi presaram deasupra indulcitor pudra si o taiem felii. Pofta mare!


Summer is right around the corner and I got autumn blues :)) Just kidding, I had these 2 pumpkins for quite some time and I wanted to get rid of them so I thought I’d make a shortbread pie :) This recipe is a staple in our house, I’ve made it so many times with apples, quinces and now it was pumpkin time :) And I served this with a yummy pumpkin spice latte :)


  • 200 g butter
  • 450 g flour + extra for rolling the dough
  • 100g sweetener (erythritol)
  • 2 eggs
  • 150g Greek yogurt 10% fat
  • 1 tsp organic baking powder
  • 1 tbsp semolina


  • 2 kg pumpkin
  • 100g sweetener (erythritol)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp powdered sweetener
  • 1 egg yolk

For the filling grate the pumpkin and saute with sweetener and cinnamon in a non-stick pan for about 15 min, until soft. Set aside to cool.

Prepare the crust like this: using a stand mixer combine the cold butter cut into cubes , sweetener, eggs, yogurt, flour and baking powder. Then manually knead the dough just a little on a floured surface until smooth and soft. Cut in half and roll 2 sheets.

Grease a 25*35 cm oven dish with butter (I use the butter package paper), line with baking paper and put the first sheet on the bottom. Sprinkle the semolina, add the pumpkin mixture and level with a spatula.

Place the second dough sheet on top, grease with a beaten egg yolk and poke with a skewer. Bake the pie for about 45 min at 170 C, until slightly brownish on the edges. Let the pie completely cool down, then sprinkle with sweetener and cut into square slices. Enjoy!

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