Un mic dejun de weekend sau un brunch senzational si low carb: rulouri de sparanghel si bacon, cu cascaval care se topeste, putina sunca si un sos de maioneza pe dinauntru, in care se gateste totul intr-un mod DI.VIN. Fanii sparanghel vor fi in extaz :) Se gaseste zilele acestea la Lidl la un pret foarte bun, fiind in sezonul lui. La aceasta minunatie de reteta eu am pus si un ou de rata fiert moale alaturi, ceea ce va doresc si voua :D (6 rulouri a cate 169cal si 1 g net carbs)
Ingrediente (6 buc):
- 1 legatura de sparanghel (24 de fire)
- 2 lg maioneza
- 1 lgt mustar
- 6 felii de sunca
- 6 felii de cascaval
- 6 felii de bacon
Spalam bine firele te sparanghel si le flexam usor, ele se vor rupe exact unde trebuie :) Aruncam baza mica lemnoasa. Fierbem firele de sparanghel doar 2 min, apoi le scurgem bine si le impartim in grupuri de cate 4, obtinand deci 6 buchetele :)
Asezam feliile de sunca pe un blat, le ungem cu maioneza amestecata cu mustarul, adaugam si 1 felile de cascaval.
Asezam cate 4 fire de sparanghel pe fiecare „grup” si rulam totul usor, apoi invelim fiecare buchetel in bacon. Presaram putin piper si coacem minunatiile 20 de min la 180C, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele 5 min de min. Pofta mare! :)
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.
A weekend breakfast or amazing brunch, that’s also low carb: bacon asparagus bundles, with lovely melting cheese, a little ham and a wonderful mayonnaise on the inside, that cooks everything in a DIVINE way. Asparagus fans will be thrilled :) I added a soft boiled duck egg too, which was just the perfect thing to do :)
Ingredients (6 bundles):
- 1 bunch of asparagus (24 spears)
- 2 tbsp mayonnaise
- 1 tsp mustard
- 6 ham slices
- 6 cheese slices
- 6 bacon strips
Wash the asparagus and flex the spears, they will break exactly when they should :) Throw away the small woody part. Boil the asparagus spears for just 2 min, then drain them and divide them in groups of 4, that makes 6 bundles.
Place the 6 slices of ham on a working board, spread the mayonnaise mixed with the mustard on each, add a slice of cheese, too.
Add 4 spears of asparagus on each „group” and roll everything, then add also the bacon strips over the rolls. Sprinkle just a little pepper and bae everything at 180C for 2 min, with the ventilation on i the last 5 min. Enjoy! :)