Sunt pline pietele de capsuni romanesti si va propun acest desert minunat, tipic frantuzesc: tarta cu vanilie si capsuni. Aluat fraged de se topeste in gura, crema fina de vanilie si topping de capsuni dulci acrisoare de sezon, totul glazurat cu gem de caise, sa luceasca :) DIVINA aceasta tarta!

Aluat tarta:

Crema de vanilie:

Pentru crusta din aluat fraged framantam cu degetele untul rece taiat cubulete, faina, oul si indulcitorul pana obtinem un aluat lipicios. Il tinem 15 min la rece, apoi il intindem intre 2 hartii de copt si asezam aluatul intr-o tava de tarta (26cm diametru).

Adaugam un cerc de hartie de copt si boabe de fasole sau bile ceramice pentru copt (eu l-am luat de aici) si coacem aluatul in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C timp de 15 min, apoi inlaturam bilele si mai coacem tarta inca 15 min sau pana e rumena si frumoasa. O lasam sa se racoreasca.

Pentru crema de vanilie punem pe foc laptele; separat batem ouale spuma cu indulcitorul, adaugam faina, amidonul, vanilia si omogenizam bine tot. Adaugam cateva linguri de lapte cald peste amestecul de oua, pentru a-l tempera si a nu face omleta din oua :) Apoi turnam amestecul de oua in craticioara peste laptele fierbinte si amestecam energic cu un tel la foc mic pana se ingroasa crema.

Asamblarea tartei: in crusta racita intindem frumos crema, apoi adaugam jumatati de capsuni pe care le indesam usor in crema si ungem tarta cu gem de caise diluat cu foarte putina apa fierbinte. E minunata aceasta tarta cu vanilie capsuni. Sa aveti pofta! :)

P.S. – pentru o varianta mai dietetica va recomand crusta low carb indulcita de la acest quiche :) Puteti folosi, fireste, si alte fructe de sezon, afine zmeura, mure, the sky is the limit. Reteta adaptata de aici.


The farmers’ markets are full of fresh strawberries so I invite you to try this amazing French dessert: tender sweet pastry crust, delicious smooth vanilla custard and yummy strawberries topping, all shining from a bit of apricot jam :) A DIVINE tart!

Tart crust:

  • 250 g flour
  • 125 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 70 g sweetener

Vanilla custard:

  • 350 ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g sweetener
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 3 tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Topping: 400 g strawberries, 2 tbsp apricot jam

For the crust, mix the cold butter cut into cubes, flour, egg and sweetener until you get a sticky soft dough Chill for 15 min, then roll between 2 pieces of baking paper and press onto the bottom of a tart pan (26cm diameter) .

Add a circle pf baking paper and some baking beans, then bake in the preheated oven at 180C for 15 min and 15 more min without the beans. Let it cool.

For the vanilla custard bring the milk to a boil over low heat; separately whisk the eggs and sweetener, then add the flour, cornstarch and vanilla. Add a couple tablespoons from the hot milk into the egg mix to temper it, so that we don’t get scrambled eggs :) Then pour the egg mix over milk and whisk until it thickens.

Assembly: into the cooled crust add the chilled custard, level nicely and add strawberries cut into halves. Gently grease with the jam mixed with a little hot water, to make it glossy. Enjoy!

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