Dupa succesul cremei de fata, continuam seria cosmeticelor naturale cu aceste batoane de lotiune de corp. Super simplu de facut, aveti nevoie doar de cateva ingrediente + forme dragute de silicon, si super usor de utilizat: le tineti intr-o cutiuta mica si, la nevoie, scoateti un baton si il masati bine pe orice portiune a corpului, pentru o hidratare rapida, parfumata si naturala :) Sunt ideale si pentru calatorii, puteti lua cu voi cate 1 baton sau le puteti pune in celofan sau mini borcane si oferi cadou homemade with love :)
Ingrediente (6 buc):
- 25g unt de shea
- 25g ceara de albine purificata
- 25g ulei de masline
- 4 picaturi de vitamina E
- 4 pic glicerina vegetala
- 10 pic ulei esential de lavanda
- flori de lavanda
Punem intr-o craticioara la Bain Marie (deasupra unui alt vas cu apa care clocoteste) ceara de albine si untul de shea. Cand acestea s-au topit, adaugam uleiul de masline, vitamina E, glicerina si uleiul esential.
Adaugam flori de lavanda maruntite (abia mi-au inflorit in gradina, dar cred ca ies super si cu trandafiri sau alte arome naturale :), amestecam usor si turnam crema obtinuta in orice forme de silicon aveti si va plac (eu folosesc aceste forme pentru mini brownies).
Le introducem in frigider pana se intaresc, dureaza foarte putin. Din aceste cantitati mi-au iesit 6 cubulete foarte dragute, se pastreaza la rece, la temperaturi mari se inmoaie.
Merg foarte bine dupa o exfoliere cu acest scrub natural si o baie fierbinte cu aceste bombe efervescente :) Meritam un rasfat natural, nu? Enjoy!
After the mega hit homemade facial moisturizer, we continue the natural cosmetics recipes with these super cute body lotion bars. Super simple to make, all you need is just a couple of ingredients and any silicone molds, and super easy to use: simple store 1 in a tiny jar and rub it on your skin when needed, for a quick, natural scented moisturizing. They’re perfect for travelling, too, or for homemade gifts :)
Ingredients (6 pcs):
- 25 g shea butter
- 25 g beeswax
- 25 g olive oil
- 4 drops of vitamin E
- 4 drops of vegetable glycerin
- 10 drops essential lavender oil
- lavender flowers
Place the beeswax and shea butter over a pot of simmering water. When melted, add the rest of the ingredients: olive oil, vitamin E, glycerin and essential oil.
Add the chopped lavender flowers (mine just bloomed in my garden :) mix and pour into silicone molds, any kind you have. Place in the fridge to set, that happens very quickly. I got 6 tiny cubes form these quantities, they store in a cool place, high temperature makes them become soft.
They go great after exfoliating with this natural scrub and after a bath with these DIY bath bombs :) We deserve some natural pampering, don’t we? :) Enjoy!