A inceput sezonul afinelor proaspete, asa caaaaaaa, avand in camara un borcan de Green Sugar gelifiant, am facut dulceata de afine fara zahar, am si sterilizat o parte din borcane, sa tina mai mult. Desi la cat de buna a iesit, nu cred ca va fi problema :)) Am folosit afine bio romanesti de la MerryBerry, super bune, una stricata NU am gasit in ladita de 3kg pe care am comandat-o :) P.S. – puteti viziona un video cu reteta AICI :)


Spalam bine afinele si le scurgem (eu le-am rotit in uscatorul de salata :), apoi le punem pe foc intr-o cratita cu fund dublu, turnam 400ml de apa si zeama de lamaie peste ele.

Gatim la foc mic, pana incepe sa fiarba, apoi lasam totul pe foc pana fructele sunt fierte, aprox 10 min, amestecand des. La final adaugam pudra de Green Sugar gelifiant si mai lasam totul pe foc intre 2-5 minute.

Va fi destul de lichida compozitia, insa se va mai intari dupa racire. Eu am pus mai mult Green Sugar decat scrie pe ambalaj, sa iasa mai dulce :) adica 200g in loc de 170g, o cutie ajunge pentru 2kg de fructe.

Turnam dulceata in borcanase, mi-au iesit 6 borcanase de 167ml (luate de aici pt mancarea lui bebe Teo :), +1 borcan si jumatate de 350ml :) Am sterilizat borcanasele mici la multicooker, exact cum am procedat aici, dar se pot steriliza si pe aragaz, prin fierbere timp de 30 de min.

Am bagat cele 2 borcane mari (de 350ml) direct in frigider, fara sa le sterilizez, ca sa mancam dulceata proaspata. Nu am avut rabdare si am fotografiat dulceata calduta pe paine, insa va fi si mai gros siropul dupa ce sa raceste :) Pofta mare! Dulceata de afine fara zahar.

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Fresh blueberry season is ON and, because I had a jar of stevia+erythritol blend especially for jams and preserves, I made this amazing sugar free blueberry preserve :) I sterilized some of the jars, so that they last longer, but I don’t think that will be a problem :))


  • 1 kg blueberries
  • 200 g Green Sugar for jam (erythritol+stevia blend)
  • juice of 1 lemon

Wash well the blueberries and drain them (I used my salad spinner :) then put them in a thick bottom pan over low heat Add 400 ml water, lemon juice and slowly bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat until the fruits are cooked, about 10 mins, constantly stirring.

Add the stevia blend and cook 2-5 more minutes. It will be a little runny, but once cooled, it will thicken a bit. I used more sweetener than indicated on the pack, 200 g instead of 170 g :) Pour into sterilized jars< i got 6 small jars of 167 ml and 1 and a half large jar of 350 ml.

I stored the 2 larger jars in the fridge, to eat the preserve fresh :) I couldn’t wait and I photographed the warm preserve on bread and butter, that’s why they look a little runny :) Enjoy!

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