O prajitura savuroasa si foooooarte mega super plina de arome: prajitura aromata cu mere si rom. Am decorat-o cu topping de pudra proteica cu aroma de vanilie, si am mancat o felie (bine, doua) calduta, a iesit un desert fantastic, jur :)

Ingrediente (8-10 portii):

Batem ouale cu indulcitorul, adaugam apoi alternativ: uleiul, laptele, romul, faina, praful de copt, vanilia si condimentele pentru turta dulce. Batem totul cu mixerul sau de mana, cu un tel, pana obtinem un aluat putin fluid si omogen.

La final incorporam fulgi de migdale (pastrand o mana de fulgi si pentru topping) si merele decojite si taiate cubulete. Ungem cu ulei o tava de 23cm diametru cu baza detasabila (gasiti aici), o tapetam cu hartie de copt.

Turnam compozitia in tava, mai presaram cativa fulgi de migdale deasupra si coacem prajitura aprox 40-50 min la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii si se rumeneste frumos. Eu am servit-o cu topping facut din pudra proteica cu aroma de vanilie si putina apa, cat sa capete consistenta de crema. DEMENTA :) Pofta mare!

Inspirata de aici si de aici.


A cake that is oh so full of flavor: spiced apple rum cake. I decorated it with vanilla protein powder topping and that made it a super amazing dessert, I swear :)

Ingredients (8-10 servings):

  • 2 eggs
  • 125 ml oil
  • 100 g sweetener
  • 200 g flour
  • 125 ml milk (almond)
  • 50 ml spiced rum
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp gingerbread spice mix
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste or extract
  • 3 apples (450 g)
  • 100 g almond flakes
  • Topping: vanilla protein powder

Beat the eggs and sweetener, then add, alternately: oil, milk, rum, flour, baking powder, vanilla, gingerbread spice mix. Beat everything well util you get a smooth fluid dough. In the end, fold in the almond flakes and the peeled and diced apples.

Grease a 23 cm spring form pan with oil and line it with baking paper. Pour the batter into the pan, add a couple extra almond flakes and bake for about 40-50 min at 180 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

I served it with a topping made from vanilla protein powder and water just enough to get a runny syrup consistency :) it’ super yummy, enjoy!

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