Dupa tortul de la ziua Ilincai am zis ca trebuie sa repet experienta intr-o varianta keto / low carb si cu noua mea forma de tort din silicon, la care visam de ceva timp. Tort keto mousse de ciocolata. Un desert fin pentru clipe speciale pe care toata lumea il va ADORA :) Fara zahar, fara gluten and so on :)


  • 3 oua
  • 4 lg Green Sugar
  • 3 lg faina de cocos
  • 2 lg cacao
  • 1/2 lgt praf de copt
  • 1 lg ulei de cocos
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie

Crema cioco neagra:

Crema cioco alba:


Pentru blat: Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam apoi indulcitorul si batem in continuare pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa si ferma. Micsoram viteza mixerului si adaugam galbenusurile amestecam cu uleiul si vanilia.

Separat amestecam faina, pudra de cacao si praful de copt, pana nu mai sunt cocoloase. Folosind o spatula incorporam amestecul uscat in cel de bezea usor, cu miscari circulare de jos in sus.

Ungem cu putin ulei o tava rotunda (25 cm diametru), punem compozitia in ea, o nivelam frumos si o coacem cam 30 min la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii.

Pentru mousseul de ciocolata dizolvam gelatina in 4 linguri de apa rece, separat punem pe foc 100ml de smantana dulce si adaugam ciocolata amaruie amestecand pana se topeste. Dupa ce amestecul nu mai e fierbinte, adaugam gelatina dizolvata in apa. Batem restul de smantana dulce pana se transforma in frisca si o incorporam usor in amestecul topit de ciocolata, adaugam si esenta de rom.

Procedam la fel si cu mousseul de ciocolata alba :) Pentru asamblare, in tava in care am copt blatul punem folie alimentara, asezam blatul si il insiropam cu un sirop facut din apa, esenta de rom si indulcitor lichid cu aroma de caramel.

Turnam mousseul de ciocolata, apoi introducem tava in congelator pana se incheaga mousse-ul, cam 20 de min a durat la mine. Turnam apoi si mousse-ul de ciocolata alba si introducem tortul la rece fie in congelator inca 20 de min, fie in frigider cam 2 ore.

Cand tortul e ferm la atingere il putem scoate din forma si din folia alimentara si orna cum dorim, eu am turnat pe el niste cicolata fara zahar topita la bain-marie cu putin ulei de cocos si l-am decorat cu zmeura :)


After Ilinca’s birthday cake I knew I had to repeat the recipe in a keto / low carb version, now that I got a brand new silicone cake mold I had been dreaming about for some time :) Keto chocolate mousse cake. A delicate dessert for special moments, everyone will love it! No sugar, no gluten and so on :)


  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsp Green Sugar
  • 3 tbsp coconut flour
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Dark chocolate mousse:

  • 200 g sugar free dark chocolate
  • 300 ml heavy cream
  • 15g gelatin
  • 2 tsp rum essence

White chocolate mousse:

  • 200 g sugar free white chocolate (or cocoa butter)
  • 300 ml heavy cream
  • 15 g gelatin
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract


  • 50 ml water
  • 3 tsp rum essence
  • 20 drops Green Sugar caramel

For the cake: Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, when they are foamy add the sweetener and beat them until they form stiff peaks. Lower the mixer speed and add the egg yolks, oil and vanilla.

Separately combine the flour, cocoa and baking powder until there are no more lumps. Using a spatula and up down movements, gently fold in the dry mixture into the egg one.

Grease a round pan (25 cm diameter) with oil, pour the batter inside, level it nicely and bake 30 min at 170C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

For the chocolate mousse dissolve the gelatin in 4 tbsp cold water, separately mix the heavy cream and chocolate in a saucepan over medium heat until melted. When the mixture is not hot anymore, add the gelatin dissolved in water. Beat the rest of the heavy cream until stiff and gently incorporate into the chocolate mixx, adding too the rum essence.

Do the same with white chocolate mousse :) To assemble, use the pan in which we baked the cake, wrap in clingfilm, add the cake, drizzle it with syrup (water, rum essence, caramel sweetener).

Pour the chocolate mousse in the pan, then put the pan in the freezer until solid, it took like 20 min in my case. Pour the white chocolate layer and place either in the freezer 20 min, or in the fridge 2 hours.

When the cake is firm to the touch,we can take it out of the cake pan, clingfilm and decorate it as you wish, I poured some melted dark chocolate over it and decorate with fresh raspberry :)

8 Comments on Tort keto mousse de ciocolata / Keto chocolate mousse cake

  1. Buna ziua. Scuze ca va deranjez. Se poate înlocui smântâna lichida cu frișcă neîndulcita, așa La Dorna 32% grăsime? Nu am găsit smântâna lichida decât pt gătit.
    Va mulțumesc frumos!

  2. Doresc sa va intreb cand se adauga amestecul de gelatina topita in apa, la restul compozitiei? Nu reiese foarte clar din reteta sau poate nu am inteles eu. Va multumesc mult!

    • Buna Diana, ai dreptate, am omis asta, am adaugat acum in reteta :) O adaugam in amestecul de smantana lichida si ciocolata, dupa ce acesta nu mai e fierbinte, inainte sa incorporam frisca/smantana lichida batuta. Pupici!

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