Dupa acest divin tort keto cu mascarpone si capsuni, am vrut sa fac niste briose Tiramisu keto, practic am adaugat o lingura de ness in compozitie, puteti face asta cu orice aluat de chec/pandispan, va las la sfarsitul retetei mai multe variante. Briosele sunt insiropate bine si au un topping de mascarpone fin si pudrate cu cacao, ca orice Tiramisu care se respecta :)) Au iesit super bune, insiropate, aromate, keto/low carb si fara zahar, de vis! :)
Ingrediente (12 buc):
- 7 oua
- 90g indulcitor (eritritol)
- 2 lg ulei de masline/cocos (30ml)
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 40g Ketomix waffe
- 1 lg cafea instant
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- Sirop:
- 70ml espresso
- 2 lg rom Stroh (sau 1 lgt esenta de rom)
- 2 lg indulcitor (eritritol)
- Topping:
- 500 mascarpone
- 2 lg indulcitor (eritritol)
- cacao pudra
Mod de preparare:
Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare pana devin spumoase, apoi adaugam indulcitorul (de preferinta pudra sau rasnit fin de voi). Batem totul pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa.
Separat amestecam galbenusurile, uleiul si vanilia, incorporam usor acest amestec in cel de albusuri. Cernem Ketomix cu grija (presand pe sita pana se cerne) si il incorporam usor, adaugam si praful de copt si cafeaua instant. Trebuie neaparat cernut pentru ca are cocoloase :)
Incorporam usor ingredientele uscate in bezea, cu miscari cirulare, sa pastram compozitia aerata. Punem compozitia in tava pentru briose in care am pus inainte hartiute speciale. Coacem briosele 20-25 min la 170C, pana trec testul scobitorii.
Pentru sirop amestecam cafeaua romul si indulcitorul. Insiropam briosele racite cu acest sirop delicios, apoi le decoram cu mascarpone batut cu putin indulcitor. Pudram cacao deasupra si le servim, pofta mare! :)
*Daca NU aveti Ketomix, iata cateva alte variante de blat keto/low carb: cel mai pufos pandispan low carb, pandispan keto pufos, pandispan keto cu cacao, pandispan cu faina de migdale. Va recomand si acest Tiramisu keto sau tort tiramisu Keto :) Briose Tiramisu keto
After this divine keto mascarpone strawberry cake, I wanted to make keto Tiramisu cupcakes, basically I added a tablespoon of instant coffee in the batter, you can do this with any fluffy sponge cake recipe, I will leave you a few options at the end of the recipe The muffins are moist from the syrup, have a smooth mascarpone topping and are powdered with cocoa, of course, like any pretty Tiramisu :) Super yummy, tasty, sugar free, keto and low carb :)
Ingredients (12 pcs:
- 7 eggs
- 90 g sweetener (erythritol)
- 2 tbsp coconut/olive oil (30 ml)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 40 g Ketomix waffe
- 1 tbsp instant coffee
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Syrup:
- 70ml espresso
- 2 tbsp Stroh rum (sor 1 tsp rum essence)
- 2 tbsp sweetener (erythritol)
- Topping:
- 500 mascarpone
- 2 tbsp sweetener (erythritol)
- cocoa powder
Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form stiff peaks, then add the sweetener (preferably finely ground into powder). beat everything until you get a nice stiff meringue.
Separately mix the egg yolks with the oil and vanilla, gently fold in into the egg whites. Sift in the Ketomix, baking powder and instant coffee. It really must be sifted, because it’s lumpy :) Gently fold in the dry ingredients in the meringue, using circular movements, to keep air in the mixture.
Divide the mixture into 12 muffin cases lined with special baking papers. Bake for 20-25 min at 170 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Make the syrup by mixing the espresso, rum and sweetener. Pour the syrup over the cooled muffins and decorate them with mascarpone beaten with a little sweetener. Powder with cocos, of course :)
*If you DON’T have Ketomix, here are a few low carb options: fluffiest low carb sponge cake, fluffy keto sponge cake, keto cocoa sponge cake, almond flour sponge cake. I also highly recommend this keto Tiramisu or Keto tiramisu cake :)