Am pentru voi o reteta tare haioasa de aperitiv, perfecta acum ca se apropie Anul Nou si Revelionul: oua umplute cu bacon si avocado. Se fac foarte usor si arata dragut pe platoul cu aperitive, ideal pentru fanii oua, cum suntem noi :) Poate va plac si ouale umplute cu maioneza, salata de oua si avocado, oua turcesti, mini omletele la multicooker…
Ingrediente (4 buc):
- 4 oua
- 4 felii de cascaval
- 4 felii de bacon
- 1 avocado mic
- 1 lgt zeama de lamaie
- sare, piper
Fierbem ouale tari, le lasam sa se racoreasca, apoi le decojim si le taiem pe jumatate. Scoatem pulpa fructului de avocado si o pasam cu zema de lamaie folosind o furculita. Eu am pus 3/4 dintr-un avocado mic si amarat :)) Puteti folosi o jumatate de avocado mediu.
Rumenim feliile de bacon in tigaie pana devin crocante si bronzate :) Pe 4 jumatati de ou punem cate 1 felie de cascaval, 1 felie de bacon si 1 lingurita de pasta de avocado. Presaram putina sare, punem cealalta jumatate de ou si fixam aperitivul cu cate o scobitoare.
Se servesc cu putin piper proaspat macinat deasupra. Truc: ca sa stea in picioare, taiati un capacel mic mic in jumatatea de ou care va fi baza. Pofta mare! :)
*Reteta preluata de aici.
I’ve got the cutest party appetizer recipe for you, perfect now that New Year’s Eve is around the corner: Bacon avocado egg sliders. They are super easy to make and they look just so cute on the appetizer platter, perfect for egg lovers like us :)
Ingredients (4 pcs):
- 4 eggs
- 4 cheese slices
- 4 bacon strips
- 1 small avocado
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- salt, pepper
Hard boil the eggs, let them cool the peel them and cut them in half. Remove the avocado pulp and mash it with lemon juice using a fork. I used about 3/4 of a really small avocado, but it takes like half medium avocado.
Brpwn the bacon slices in a pan until crispy and „tanned” :) On each of the 4 egg halves place a slice of cheese, a slice of crispy bacon and a teaspoon of the mashed avocado.
Sprinkle a little salt, then top with the other egg half and stick a small skewer in the center to hold the slider. Serve with freshly ground pepper. Tip: so that the sliders stad, cut out a small part of the bottom egg layer. Enjoy!