Imi era pofta de ceva dulce si mai ales rapid, caci cu o bebelusa de 2 luni si o scolarita, totul se face pe fast forward :))) Aceste trufe proteice cu unt de arahide sunt cele mai simple trufe ever, super gustoase si au si multe proteine :) Le puteti face si cu unt de migdale, caju sau nuci.
Ingrediente (13 buc):
- 150g unt de arahide
- 60g miere
- 60g pudra proteica
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 2 lg lapte 30ml
- Topping: 80g ciocolata fara zahar
- 2 lg ulei de cocos
Punem intr-un bol untul de arahide (sau migdale, nuci, caju etc, de care folositi), pudra proteica (mie imi place cea de la Secretele Ramonei), mierea, vanilia si laptele. Amestecam bine bine de tot, pana obtinem o plastilina delicioasa :)
Modelam bilute de dimensiunea dorita, eu am obtinut 13 bile maricele. Le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le introducem in congelator pana preparam glazura.
Topim la bain-marie (deasupra unul bol cu apa clocotita) amestecata cu uleiul de cocos. Eu folosesc aceste picaturi fara zahar. Scoatem din congelator bilutele si le cufundam in ciocolata topita, asezandu-le inapoi pe hartia de copt. Introducem tava in congelator inca putin, pana ciocolata e ferma, apoi picuram restul de ciocolata topita peste trufe, arata si mai frumos asa :) Se tin in frigider. Pofta mare!
Poate va plac si aceste briose proteice la multicooker :) Alte retete cu unt de arahide gasiti aici.
I was really craving for something sweet, but now with a 2 month old baby and a girl in school, everything is on fast forward :))) These protein peanut butter truffles are the most simple ever, super tasty an packed with protein :) You can also try almond butter or nut butter versions.
Ingredients (13 pcs):
- 150g peanut butter
- 60g honey
- 60g protein powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp milk (30ml)
- Topping: 80g sugar free chocolate chips
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
Pun the ingredients in a bowl: peanut butter (or almond, cashew, nut butter), protein powder, honey, vanilla and milk. Mix well until you get a lovely sticky paly dough :) Form balls from the dough, I got 13 pretty big ones, place them on a tray lined with baking paper and put them in the freezer until you make the coating.
Melted the chocolate over a pot of simmering water (bain-marie), mixed with the coconut oil. Take the balls out from the freezer and dip them in the chocolate coating. Put them again on the baking paper tray and place it in the freezer again until perfectly set. Use the remaining chocolate to drizzle over them, they look lovely like this. Store in the fridge, enjoy! :)
Doamne, cum arata. Trebuie sa fac si eu.
Multumesc frumos, Roxana! Sa imi spui cum ies :) pupici
pudra proteica am, cioco fara zahar am, miere am, unt de arahide sa fac rost. Oare daca macin niste nuci, ajunge…? :D
(valeu cum arata…. pozele sunt apetisante rau)
Daca folosesti nuci macinate in loc de unt de arahide vreo sa spui? Ca nu am inteles exact :) Let me know, pupici!