Am descoperit o reteta super delicioasa de prajitura cu iaurt grecesc si miere, insiropata si aromata, o bunatate. E potrivita si pentru pitici mici (+1an*), numai buna de servit cu niste smantana sau frisca si fructe proaspete, mmmmm :) Si sa va mai zic ca aluatul se pregateste in fix 5 minute, apoi la cuptor cu ea si gata un dulce delicios si sanatos, facut in casa? :)
Ingrediente (8-10 felii):
- 300g iaurt grecesc
- 3 oua
- 90g ulei de masline (130ml)
- 200g miere
- coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie sau portocala*
- 200g faina
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- 1/2 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
- smantana/frisca/iaurt si fructe pentru servit
Punem ingredientele umede intr-un bol: ouale, iaurtul, uleiul de masline, mierea si le omogenizam bine cu un tel. *Eu nu am avut coaja de portocala sau lamaie, dar am pus cateva picaturi de ulei esential de portocale de calitate.
Adaugam si faina, praful de copt si bicarbonatul si amestecam pana nu mai sunt cocoloase. Ungem cu ulei o tava rotunda (23 cm diametru, a mea e foarte similara cu aceasta) cu baza detasabila, tapetam cu hartie de copt si turnam compozitia in ea.
Coacem prajitura 40 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii si e suficient de rumena si bronzata :) Ies 8 felii mai zdravene sau 10 mai subtirele, dupa preferintele si poftele voastre :) Pofta mare!
P.S. – Daca va plac dulciurile cu miere va mai recomand si prajitura cu miere, smantana si nuci, tort de mere si miere, cornulete fragede cu miere, bezele moi cu miere, madlene cu portocale si miere sau fursecuri cu miere pentru copii.
*Atentie: Mierea e INTERZISA copiilor sub 1 an din cauza riscului de botulism! Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.
I just discovered the most amazing and easy cake recipe: Greek yogurt and honey cake, so moist and rich, mega delish. It’s great for kids too (+1 year old), served with some sour cream or whipped cream and fresh fruit, mmmm… And should I tell you that the batter is made in max 5 minutes, then into the oven and 40 min later you have a super healthy rich homemade dessert? :)
Ingredients (8-10 slices):
- 300 g Greek yogurt
- 3 eggs
- 90 g olive oil (130ml)
- 200 g honey
- zest of 1 lemon or orange*
- 200 g flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- sour cream/ whipped cream/yogurt and fresh fruit for serving
Put all the wet ingredients in a bowl: egg,s olive oil, yogurt, honey and mix well with a whisk. *I did not have lemon or orange zest, so I used a couple of drops of high quality orange essential oil.
Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda and whisk until there are no more lumps. Grease a round springform pan (23 cm diameter) with oil, line with baking paper and pour the batter into it.
Bake the cake for about 40 min in the preheated oven at 180 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean and the cake has a lovely golden color :) These quantities make a cake of about 8 thicker slices or 10 thinner ones, depending on your preferences and appetite :) Enjoy!